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    Went to Shotz on my first weekend in Fayetteville and was pleasantly surprised.  I never saw myself wanting to go to place with that kind of name, however it was a unique experience.

    I am a big fan of slamming the ice shot glasses to the floor when I have consumed by shooter!  They do have quite the list of shots on the wall to order and they are cheap, in the $3 range mostly I believe.  My one problem is that the shots are pretty small and I won't be fooled by the novelty of the ice glass.  But I did have a good time even after the girls I bought drinks for ditched me!

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    This place is ridiculously juvenile as their use of spelling. The specialty drinks contain more sugar than alcohol. The novelty ice shots are annoying and unnecessary. At the end of the night, everyone in this place should be arrested, because you really would have to be a Zima-drinking 14-year-old girl to enjoy Shotz.

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    One of the first bars I stumble into in Arkansas has an awesome concept. Shots. Cheap shots. That's not all! They also have hot bartenders and shot glasses made of ice, so when you're done, you simply smash them on the ground. Are people going to get hurt? Probably. If not a thwack of ice cube shot glass in your face, perhaps from slipping on the wet floors---which is highly likely here.

    Just goes to show that in Arkansas, it's about the fun of drinking and not worrying about people falling and suing you.

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