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    Have you ever lived in a place that had one of those scary joints that no one you know has even gone there, but you all know someone that knows someone that had some insane story about the place? Well Bottoms Up is one of those places.

    Some friends and I got tired of hearing all these second and third hand stories and decided to go see which, if any, of these were based in fact. As it turns out...I suspect all of them were 100% true, as now I can pass along my own insane and disturbing tales of that place.

    If you really want to play a joke on someone, want to be disturbed to a point of entertainment, want to debunk myths, or just want an interesting socio-anthropological experiment for the evening...check this place out.

    Not for the weak of stomach or easily offended. Oh yeah, it's a strip club. I wish I could give it no stars...

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