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    While Willy D's is closed currently, as Rob suggests, The bar is just moving, and remodeling a location near where they use to be on dickson street. Apparently it's suppose to be much bigger, and have a full menu, rather than just bar food. I hear they are going to be done with remodeling by new years 2011/2012. (or so their facebook says) anyway. If you've never been, I believe the piano players are staying the same, and if they are, it is an incredible experience. Go. For sure.

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    Sadly, Willy D's is no more.  It is now "Fix Ultra Lounge".  And my god, does it suck balls.  I used to live in Austin, TX, and i've been to sixth street just a time or two.  Fix is like someone went to sixth, and took every crappy element of every crappy "ultra lounge" and combined them into one epic failure on Dickson.  To begin with, last night was the only time i've ever been asked to pay a cover anywhere on dickson.  Fortunately, i was there for an event, and didn't have to pay cover.  I'm not saying i would never pay cover on Dickson, but i'd better get a lot for my money.  yeah.... Not.  So.  Much.  Like all such ultra lounges, it is extremely dark with modern-esque furnishings.  It might be a pretty room if lit properly, but as it is, you can barely see who it is you are talking to.  And its not so much talking as it is shouting over loud club music.  The DJ booth is front and center, and it dominates an entire wall of the club.  There is very little seating, as, in theory, the rest is all dance floor.  Fix also featured a seemingly pointless fog machine, and an inside temperature that had me sweating just by walking from the door to the bar.  And then once i got to said bar, i got the joy of paying $7.00... for two Budweiser longnecks.  $3.50 longnecks.  Are.  You.  Fucking.  Kidding?  You want to charge me $3.50 for a pint of Sam Addams Octoberfest, ok, that's fine.   But for a bud heavy longneck?  I don't think so.

    Willy D's was cool.  Willy D's was fun.  Fix is a pretentious, loud, hot, dark, overpriced douchefest waiting to happen.  Avoid it at all costs, and instead, patronize one of the other fine bars on Dickson, like Sideways, Farrell's, or Brewski's.

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    Willy D's can be a really fun place to go in a group.  Talented piano players who know how to interact with the crowd create a happy and entertaining atmosphere.  Be prepared to fight for a table - weekends are always packed and they never seem to have enough waitresses, so expect really slow service.  There is a cover charge, but it's not much and usually worth it.

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