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    This place is a dirty dive that deserves to be ignored by most passer bys on its busy street. I finally decided to stop at this dive and boy does it suck. Any bar that has block bathroom windows and a laundry machine in the back by the pool table is definately a dive dump. They have these beer specials but seemed to be empty when I asked for a couple of the specials. Not a real friendly staff.

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    How can you not love a place with a name like this?  It is time to get BONKERED!  

    Friend: Where you want to go tonight?
    Me: B O N K E R S!
    Friend: Looks like there is a 100 Percent chance of getting hammered tonight with a 90 percent chance of losing my pants.
    Me: Call everyone you know because we're going to B O N K E R S!

    That's all you can think of with a name like BONKERS!  Just say the name out loud right now. Go ahead no one's looking.  Now try and tell me you don't think of getting hammered drunk at a place with a name like that.

    Cheap beer is their specialty; I have no idea if they have food or not because I'm always way too intoxicated to even check.  

    I secretly wish my name was BONKERS!

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