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    Okay well, it didn't get it's act together at all.  The last time we went in there there were a bunch of idiots listening to Snoop Dogg uncensored and playing pool.  We came to find out that all of the British dishes were taken off the menu and we weren't able to pay with credit card that day.  We were asked to use the ATM located inside the restaurant which didn't work.  Then we were asked to go across the street to 7-11 and take out cash to pay our bill.  The meal ended with us leaving and the manager taking care of our bill.  I never go on yelp! to bash a place but this was just abysmal.

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    Poor excuse for a Brit pub.  Sorry.

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    Just finished dinner there with some mates. Yes it was quiet, but the service was excellent, very friendly. We asked for Samosas and wow, never had any that great. We were told the owners wife makes them from scratch. I had a bacon cheeseburger and garlic fries. Hmmm. My friend had Fish and Chips, the cook didn't think the fish was enough and cooked another portion and brought it to the table. I will definitely be back.

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