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    We were going to go to Steak and Shake today, and we should have.
    This was my boyfriend's and my first time at this chili's. And might I add, we are fans of this chain.
    We sat down rather quickly, since it was a Thursday. We waited about 5 minutes before someone came to our table. The waitress only asked if someone had gotten our drink order. We said they hadn't, so she did. The waitress never introduced herself, or asked us how we were.
    We decided to do the 2 for $20 deal.
    As we waited for our half order of cheese fries, our drinks were left empty. Once we received our appetizer, we were disappointed. This dish is normally flavorful and...not so dry. This appetizer has fries on a skillet, topped with ranch dressing, melted shredded cheese, bacon bits, and jalapenos. In our case, it had all of that, except the ranch dressing. It wasn't very hot and didn't have flavor. The fries tasted like they had been sitting in the back for hours.
    Our waitress, whose name is Danica, came and cleared our plates, and about 20 minutes later  our entrees came, then we were finally asked if we wanted refills.
    We ordered the bacon burger and margarita chicken.
    Both entrees were delicious. Juicy and we;; prepared.
    The waitress however left a sour taste in our mouths.

    As I finished my plate, my boyfriend is still finishing his, Danica brings us the bill and walks away. She didn't even ask us if we wanted dessert. We wait for 10 minutes for her to come back and  she asks if we wanted a refill.
    Well why would we want a refill if you gave us our bill to shove us out?

    She had as much personality as a lint trap, never asked how things were, came by only to drop things off.
    When I asked for the receipt, she gave me the short copy, which means I can't take the chili's online survey.
    Like I said, we should have gone to Steak and Shake, had better service and spent less money.

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