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    Until about a month ago i hadn't had Church's Chicken in over 20 years which is why i even bothered to give this place more than just a quick paragraph. I remember how much i loved their apple pies when my mother would buy them when we lived up north in Cabrini Green. Once we moved to the suburbs Church's became a thing of the past ... not because i had found better but because i was never that big on chicken from restaurants... I simply preferred Moms to any of those chains ...(ones that i had ate from), So when i realized how close this one was to my job and that it had been so long since i had it.... i had to go in!

    I usually get off late so all my experiences have pretty been after 10 pm just before they close. For the most part the chicken is good.... nothing to write home about but not something that doesn't fit the bill given your situation. I mean its chicken! ....and who doesn't like chicken? lol

    The drive-thru sucks because of the awkward feeling left you have to make to pull up to the window because its not curved so i find myself having to manuver more than i want to in order to get close to the window.

    The staff all seem to be pretty friendly and will try to accommadate you as best as possible if they don't really have any chicken ready. I've dealt with this at Brown's Chicken so i can't really knock Church's for that.

    For some reason i haven't tried their apple pie yet.... I think its because i don't want my heart broken if it doesn't taste the way i remember... But its a new year so i'm going to do away with that.

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