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    Went here for a bday party - & sure the people you're with make the party but even the most engaging of company couldn't redeem this place.wow The guys there seem primed for a fight instead of a good time. I'd much rather engage in a flirtatious sparring of wits with the opposite sex than the primitive "fist to cuffs" with guys whose gift from the womb appears to be an ever vexing "chip on the shoulder". I could "fix" it for them.lol but I prefer to avoid these primitive forms of conflict unless forced to do so. I just mention this since a skirmish seems to be brewing at every corner of this establishment. Lighting is pretty enjoyable,  temperature inside can get a bit much, the guest appearances are always a plus, the cover can be unreasonably steep ($30!!! They do know this isn't NY right.lol), the drinks are strong though. Free giveaways from time to time, drinks & tshirts can redeem the night but do yourself a favor and try to avoid falling into this "abyss"

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    underage kids trying to be adults, acting slutty. nough said.

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    Two stars just because of the male revue on fridays, other than that, its terrible.

    Awful, creepy crowd. Too many kids here with fake ID's looking to get laid or grind up on some poor unsuspecting girl. Each time I went with friends, only the main room was open, and they played the same awful music over and over again. I usually try to avoid this place, but my one friend loves it here (I really dont know why)..Had one dude sneak up behind me and try to slip his hand down my pants AND up my shirt. After that, I never went back there again.

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