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    One of my favorite places to go hang out with friends and sing karaoke. Always a fun time!

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    I was surprised how few people were there on a Friday night, and I was told that it was pretty busy for them. There were maybe 30-40 people at most. ... It didn't get a 1 star because there is a really cute bartender named Sean that tended bar with his shirt off.

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    I have visited Club Push on several occasions.  There are various featured events on different nights of the week.  I enjoy Friday nights with the drag shows featuring local and national pageant winners.  My favorite night is Saturday night when they showcase male dancers, "The Push Boys".  The majority of the crowd is college age to 30s and male, but everyone is welcome.  You will find a mix of straight folks, females, and those of a more mature age as well.  When not watching the boyz dance, I enjoy going out to the back deck patio.   I have found the bartenders to be friendly and attentive.  Stop by the Karaoke room and say hi to Brian.  He's a great guy and is always having fun.  Don't forget to tip the Push Boys.

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