Been coming here for years, and I'm only 22(thank you fakey)** This place has the perfect selection for a bar beer take-out in Norristown: Bud, Coors, Molson, a whole wall of forties, and some Mexican beers like Bohemia. They know their clientele really well, broke ass minorities like me. Owners are a nice asian couple that try to run a tight ship and not let things get out of hand at the bar, luckily if anything does pop off there always seems to be one or two patrol cars around policing the area. The  most best thing about this place in the whole world is the prices, I swear I have come in here and got forties for 1.50 a couple times. 1.50!!!!!!!! I don't care how crappy Olde E is, thats a damn good steal. I can drink my face off for 5 dollars, this place is an alcoholics beer heaven.
**Could be fabricated story to enhance reputation, aka street cred.