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    Def not my cup of tea at first glance but I find myself venturing out here more and more. While I prefer clubbing in downtown sac or better yet the bay area this will do in a pinch. My fiancé has family nearby so its convenient but I would most certainly not make a special trip.  With that said the place is decent, the best place to go to in YC on a friday night anyways. Early evenings are super dead but this place gets pretty crazy after hours. If you are looking for an upscale experience this is not the place. For sure "no frills" at it's best but hey the music is good and the drinks are cheap. Oh and they play hip hop music...bonus!

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    Before I moved to the bay, I used to frequent this place from time to time. I enjoyed it, nice fun eclectic group of people, pretty diverse (it was the only 'fun' bar at that time) the owners were awesome and always remembered their customers.  Well came back home this weekend found out the old owners sold it: um service sucks the bartenders were kind of snobs... 10 bucks for double HOUSE vodka soda, are you kidding me? What are we in the bay area? Because that's not what I even pay over there. It's Yuba City, come on. Plus the chick didn't give me a receipt, all of my friends complained that their drinks sucked. So yeah, won't ever be going back here.

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    What a crappy dive bar where you get a free STD with every drink.  This is perfect place to find that slutty whore you have always wanted.  Me thinks not.

    Edit to this review:  

    I got a lot of comments about this one:  

    I do not want to forget to mention the used syringes that are tossed in the garbage cans outside of this place.  Be careful!!!!!!!!  


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    Grand Opening/ Octoberfest
    Sat: Oct 23.    2p.m.-6p.m.
    Beer& Brats watch football on 3 New flat screens
    Must be 21+

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    Not a place for me. The bar is usually jam-packed, and it can be difficult to get a drink. I know a lot of people who love this place, though.

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    Fun if I'm hammered and want to dance..Other than that.. Too crowded and full of drama and fights. Yuba City is in desperate need of good places to do drink and dance.

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    Dump, Dj is the worst! He thinks hes so good too... poor little guy! If you loke hanging out with trash, gang members than go there. Oh and there drinks are way over priced, they think there a nite club in the city or something, what a joke!

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    Very friendly!  Super cold bottles, nice selection of liqor, basic tap selection.  Had a long conversation with the owners about other bars to hit in the area.  Small dance area, a DJ station, lots of tables, several TVs.

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    I have to disagree with that Robert, Heart of Darkness fellow, it ain't that bad you fancy-ass snob, we don't want u anyways :0

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    Let's see here: DJs who can't DJ, looks like it was decorated by a redneck having occasional Fat Joe "Make It Rain" moments, cheap drinks, one gigantic television that shows nothing but SportsCenter or UFC programming on Spike, and gigantic beers at $5 a pop.

    Sounds like a small-town-style bar with "character" to me. If I was into going out and drinking much anymore, CB would be my first choice in Yuba City (see "gigantic beers at $5 a pop" for reasoning)

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    By any other town's standards, Corner Bar is awful, but it's the liveliest place in Yuba City, and the beer is pretty cheap.

    One of the bartenders, Debbie, is an absolute darling. She's super nice and remembers faces. She'll dance with patrons. I think she's the owner's wife. In any event, she makes the place bearable.

    The DJs leave much to be desired, and the scenery - both inanimate and living - is something you'd rather forget.

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