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    I hadn't been here in over ten years. As i entered the place i was immediately overcome with memories of my teenaged years hanging out in this place. Memories of my GF at the time...fighting with my GF in the parking lot...fights concerning other people's GFs in the parking lot. Ah, the teenage years came rushing back as fast as the stale air of the pool hall filled my lungs. Being almost run over and stomped on by a herd of squealing adolecents while climbing the stairs to the hall, i discovered that essentially not much has changed. Fortunately there is an over 21 area specifically for those of us who want reminisce, not re-live, our teenage years.

    Its your typical pool hall in many ways. A bunch of pool playing regulars, darts, a bar and a kitchen. However in many ways its set apart from the typical. The space is rather large and the amount pool tables are seemingly endless. The tables seem to undergo re-furbishing, there's a flat screen, a jukebox, the food is quality and the bar/bartender is easily accessible. It was quiet on a Friday night and perfect for wanting to avoid the circus next door. Its now a great place to drink, eat and play pool to music while you wonder how you ever made it to adulthood.

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    Played a few rounds yesterday. Place was clean and the was no smoking. Tables a bit run down, but good enough for casual play.

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