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    This place is no longer open for business... yet the promo for groupon is still active???

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    It finally CLOSED. Apparently, when you have enough stabbings and bar fights the city will eventually shut you down. Couldn't be happier.

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    Just came home from a wedding reception.  The DJ was good thank goodness.  The rest was downhill from there.  The service was beyond slow.  The father of the bride had to go and find out why the food was not being served as we had been there for a long time.  When we got the meal it wasn't hot, not even warm.  More like room temp.  The "gravy" or sauce that was on the chicken was like paste. My table all agreed the potatoes were left over from the day before, and cold carrots. Mmmmm.  The vegetarian meal was suppose to be vegetable lasagna.  Two Vegetarian meals out of the twelve were at our table.  When the waitress was told they had the vegetarian meal, you could see the shocked look on her face.  They FORGOT to make the lasagna.  25 Min's later (you know the amount of time it take to cook penne) the guests were given a plate of penne with chopped up carrots on it.  Carrots that they had on hand from the reg. meal. Just carrots.  No other vegetables.  A vegetarian had to wait additional time, as they DIDN'T cook ENOUGH and had to make more for that dish.  I heard that the mother of the bride asked a waitress a question or something, and when the mother turned to walk back to her table,the waitress basically rolled her eyes and made a "whatever" face.  That's a waitress that needs to find a new job.  While they are looking for new waitress's they might also want to hire a cook.

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