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    I have been so excited about this place once I saw the "coming soon" sign a few months.  The food is excellent, inexpensive, and authentic.  The tandoori chicken is one of the best in town, it is made fresh and takes about 20-25 minutes to make.  The split matpe beans and peas, potato, carrot dish are great vegetarian dishes as well.  

    My only concern is how spicy the food can be, especially for those thinking it is Indian.  Pakistani food is noticeably spicier and may surprise some.  I asked the owner to lessen the spice for my wife and it we didn't notice a difference.  A couple of our neighbors have had the same issue as well.  It would be nice if there a lesser-spice option and a few more kid choices as well.  I think with those changes, the place should succeed here.

    Link to current menu:  <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2F8japN&s=5279ee218f855eca8eaf5ba767a4a035bce707b8c814839b5f09feddd13c01fa" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://goo.gl/8japN</a>

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