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    Great bar! Cool environment, funny bartenders and super great drink specials! The mutha puckers are AWESOME!

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    So I occasionally end up here when I'm meeting friends who live in the area (I grew up nearby as well).  I haven't had a "bad" experience here.  Alan the bartender is an acquaintance of mine and he does a great job behind the bar for everyone there.  I've had their pizza and it's actually not bad, granted it is bar pizza, I'd say it's comparable to any major chain pizza joint.  They had karaoke last night and played music in between, so there was plenty of entertainment.  
    On the downside there was a big fight and someone smashed a bottle over someones head and then of course 4 people are brawling in the middle of the bar.  But the staff was quick to move them outside.  I unfortunately have a feeling it happens a lot at this place which is unfortunate because it's not a bad spot to meet some friends.

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    I feel stupid everytime I end up going here to meet friends, because I know the drinks will be over priced and the service is the worst iv ever had. There is one bartender and she won't say anything to you she looks at you till you tell her what you want, after you stood at the bar 10 minutes. The pizza is good, but everything else about the place sucks.

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    I've been dragged here too many times to count and it was bad every time. One time I waited at the bar 30 min to get my first beer. No joke. It was one and done. Haven't been dragged back since.  Your choice.  Oh, and the place is a total dump, but the drinks are somehow still over priced. Great.

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