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  • Takes Reservation
  • Has TV
  • WiFi
  • Smoking
  • Outdoor Seating

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    I like the fact that they built an outside seating section. This place does have a lot of regulars. I recommend going on the weekend to see some karaoke action. The owner is nice although not exactly the friendly warm type, but he is nice. I can tell that he knows his regulars pretty well and watches out for them.

    The night I was there, he was not amused by a joke from a drunk laughing about a broken ashtray.

    I came, because I live walking distance from here. No need to worry about being DD. We walk. :)

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    If you go to Daddy Rabbit's on a weekend, you are guaranteed to see one of 3 things: a mullet, a cowboy hat, or something in camoflage. This place is just that great.

    Totally unpretentious. The people who are doing karaoke in here aren't auditioning for American Idol--they're doing songs they love for people who will enjoy them. Plenty of country and classic rock.

    Service is fast and the pours are solid. People do smoke quite a bit in here, so non-smokers and contact lens wearers, prepare thyselves.

    I found the jukebox a little complicated because it's digital and hooked up to the intraweb, but the bartender came over and showed me how it worked (I'm sure the 4 Jack-on-the-rocks had nothing to do with my ineptitude, ha.)

    We're in here pretty much every week now so...if you see us, feel free to stop by and say hi!

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    This place is a bit too smokey for my taste. It has karaoke but who would want to sing in there when everyone smokes in there like a chimney?

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