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    Buyer Beware!!  Do all of your research prior to buying.  I personally will never set foot in this place again.  Even to pick up the gown I ordered yesterday.  My experience with the sales staff was not at all like the previous reviews.  I was treated well and felt very comfortable with the staff.  The one young lady was new at the store and needed very little assistance from the other two sales people one of which is the "store manager".  I wanted to sleep on this decision and look at the dress on the internet.   I was told I would not be able to find my dress online because it was a "private collection" so I decided to go ahead and buy the dress.   Well that was my first mistake.
    As soon as I got home, funny thing, not only did I find the dress, I found it for $188 less plus some additional expenses that I was charged for, a total of $355.  I spoke with the manager first thing this morning and told her what I found.  She  stated that the sale price was for a specific size and that it was a sample gown at the other local store.  I told her I would call the company and find out what the story was.  Shouldn't she have done this?  Well guess what, I can order any size of this dress for the sale price.  And called her back to tell her.  She wouldn't answer the phone so I emailed her this information.   She  had told me it didn't matter because I agreed to pay that amount for the dress.  The story just goes down hill from here!! Please note that their web site specifically says "lowest prices guaranteed"  I'm so disappointed in this company.  The manager won't provide me with the owners name and number, which now I suspect that she is the owner.  DON'T GO HERE!!  I'm going to take this matter as far as I can legally and through the various internet channels to see that others don't get taken advantage of like I was.  Now I'm very concerned that I won't even have a dress in September.  I'm sure she'll come up with away to sabotage my dress.  If I could afford to walk away from $500 I would.  As I'm typing this review, my fiancé has gone to the store and spoke with the manager.   She agreed to give us $121 credit.  What happens to the rest of the money I'm out?  Better Business Bureau here I come.  My attorney is working on this as well.  Please enjoy your bridal experience and don't go to bridal designs in Southlake Tx

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    Fellow Yelpers - I am not one to give one star reviews regularly, but I have to put one up for Bridal Designs based on the extremely negative experience my friends and I have had with them.  Be forewarned - this may be the biggest rant I've ever written on Yelp, but others really deserve to know what they're getting into with this place.

    I am a bridesmaid in my friend's upcoming wedding, along with two of my other best friends.  We all ordered our bridesmaid dresses from Bridal Designs several months ago and recently received them, only to discover that they are all way too large and in need of massive alterations.  Now, I have been a bridesmaid before, and I understand completely that bridal sizing is different than regular department store sizing, and that it's typical to order a size up and need to get some tailoring done.  BUT, all of our bridesmaid dresses are SIGNIFICANTLY too large.  One of my friends tried hers on and it is at least 3 sizes too large.  She has taken it to a tailor to get a quote for alterations, and is being told that it will probably cost at least $400 to get it altered to fit her (far more than doubling the total cost of the dress).  FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS.  Are you kidding me????  Bridal Designs really screwed up when they advised my friend about her dress size, and now she is stuck with this monster bill for alterations.

    The bride has brought this issue to the attention of Bridal Designs, only to be told that we all must have given them incorrect measurements.  Well, I must say - I got my measurements taken at NORDSTROM (i.e. completely reputable and relatively upscale department store where the alterations department KNOWS HOW TO TAKE MEASUREMENTS ACCURATELY).  My friend with the 3-sizes-too-large dress got her measurements taken at BLOOMINGDALES.  Seriously.  If you want to tell me that the alterations department at both of those stores, in different states, both managed to completely screw up our measurements, I'm really not going to believe that you know enough about sizing and alterations to be in the bridal wear business in the first place.

    Now, let me put aside the rant about the sizing for a moment.  Let's pretend that in theory, this situation is completely my / my friend's fault and that the bridal shop did absolutely nothing wrong by completely misleading us about the sizing charts that THEY WORK WITH EVERY SINGLE DAY.  Fine.  It's all our fault.  Whatever.  But let's think for just a moment about the concept of customer service.  Clearly this place has no clue that people Yelp / Tweet / etc when they have a bad experience, or they probably wouldn't have been so rude and completely unhelpful to my friend the bride when she called them to explain the situation.  Rudeness and poor customer service are two of my biggest pet peeves in life, and I can't say enough about how badly I think Bridal Designs handled this situation.  If I were to mess up a project at my job, I would have to suck it up, apologize to my client and do whatever I could to fix the situation.  If I didn't do that, I would A) lose business, and B) potentially even get FIRED.  Apparently Bridal Designs doesn't understand this concept.

    At the end of the day, I know that my friends and I all signed a form saying that we selected the sizes we wanted, and that basically releases the shop from any liability.  But seriously, when they specifically told my friend that she had to order a particular size in order to accommodate her measurements, that is a load of ****.  

    I can't do anything to change this now, but you can darn well bet that I will be advising everyone I know in the Dallas area (which is actually a large number of people) NEVER to go to Bridal Designs.  I sincerely hope that the owner reads this review and takes it into consideration before they mis-advise any more of their customers.

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