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    Daily Grind is a cute little coffee shop in Nashville that also sells whole beans, breakfast items, and baked goods.

    Recommend if you are wanting a cup of coffee in a cozy, warm setting. Prices are reasonable, too.

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    My best friend and I went early on a Tuesday morning and there were quite a few people in there already drinking their coffees and eating various breakfast foods.  I would suggest stopping here for a quick breakfast (or even a not quick breakfast).  You order at the counter and then the staff will bring out the food whenever it is ready, which, in my case, was very fast!  

    If you order coffee, you get 2 free refills if you are dining in.  Any other drinks like a cappuccino or cafe au lait, you get 2 free refills of regular coffee once you are finished with your original drink, which I thought was great!

    The owner was there, I believe.  Very friendly guy and obviously a Packer fan. (you will notice this right away once you enter).

    Over all a great experience and a wonderful little coffee shop.

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    I love this little gem tucked away in some of the shops in Nashville. It has a good vibe inside where you can enjoy your cup of joe. But that is the trick, the coffee is hit or miss. Yesterday when we stopped in my wife's coffee it was burnt and tasted pretty bad, so bad the only reason she didn't throw it way was that it kept her hands warm!

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    The baristas here are the worst kind of people- the kind that believe that since they make coffee, it is there calling and obligation to be as condescending and uncomfortable as possible. I literally hate coming here because they skimp on everything (No foam and barely one shot of vanilla in a steamer? How "ironic"), they laugh it off when you come to them to have it remade, because they seem to be aware of the carelessness ("I wouldn't get it remade. I'm sure it'll be just as bad, and it's policy that you pay again. Who would pay that much for an awful steamer?") and then the awkward pause after this statement. I ended up handing the steamer to the barista and leaving him with his dumbfounded look, holding an awful drink. The saddest part is the fact is that it was a *steamer*, easily fixable. It disappoints me this is the only real coffee shop in Brown County, and i'm sorry other have to deal with these people. Coffee snobs are common, but none take it farther than those at The Daily Grind.

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    Enjoyed lunch and a iced mocha at daily grind today.   Great
    Little spot for lunch, sweets, and of course fresh coffee.

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    Oh Daily Grind Coffee house....... What wonderful treats you have for me. The frozen chocolate / coffee thing was AMAZING!

    So why only THREE stars you may ask?! Well, I was having a lovely day spending time with my family. I'll admit it, I'm a big dude, but if there's one thing I don't like, it's when people use back handed compliments. I walk in and the guy (who I can only assume is the manager / owner) says "Damn boy you should play line for the Green bay packers". I didn't take any offense to that. I've played football and I'm cool with it. Then he goes "I'll get you a jumbo since you're so big" and looking at my mom and saying "I bet your grocery bill is high with all he eats".... When I turned him down and I said "I'm trying to watch my weight" he goes "yeah trying to keep that "girlish" figure." That's where I drew the line. Very rare is it that I take anything anyone says about my weight to heart. But Good GOD man, My family is right there. Have some damn tact...... I took my beverage and I left...... Not only was that incredibly offensive to me but also incredibly awkward for my family right there. So yes, go, get a beverage. Enjoy your time there! Just don't be over weight... Wouldn't want anyone else to go through the same humiliating bullshit that I went through..... Just saying.  

    Rude.... just straight up rude....

    P.S. I hope someone from the company sees this and leaves a comment. Seriously.

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    Great coffee in an ambiance that best characterizes the village of Nashville.  I've been frequenting this establishment since my days at nearby Indiana University where (in the early 80's) they featured live singer/songwriters on the weekends.

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    Be sure to stop at the Daily Grind when you are in Nashville (Indiana).  Great coffee, great service, nice people.

    If you are not familiar with Nashville, the off street parking is free and plentiful but you might have some walking to do.

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    My dad implored me to give this little place a try, which I did.

    A couple snags before I get to the good stuff. The website doesn't have hours or an address, so make sure you call. My GPS was uber-wrong about the location. And it's hidden -- like everything in downtown Nashville -- in a little shopping area. Prepare to wander.

    Just prepare.

    Once you get in, though, it's a cute establishment. They have a small but tasty breakfast selection. And their Americano (double, man style) was excellent. You wouldn't believe how many terrible Americanos I've had. (Starbucks the other day gave me coffee -- COFFEE -- and cold water. I wish I was lying.)

    I've read lots of shitty reviews about this place. I must have caught them on a bad day because everyone was pleasant to me and the food was good. Apparently they messed up being jerks.


    Next time I'm in town, I'll starting my weekend here. For sure.

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    I was staying in the area this past weekend & found this great little cafe in a cute little town with great shops.

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    To die for sandwiches and coffee.  It doesn't get any better than that.  Plus the staff is amazing.

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