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    Deerwood Country Club will always be close to my heart. There are many wonderful things that have happened here for me. In August 2008 I married my husband here.

    Drifting back into the memories of my wedding I remember getting ready in the brides dressing area, tracing the tiles with my finger tips while 4 women fixed my hair, put my jewelry and shoes on and my wedding planner taped up my boobs (there is no shame in what it takes to look good in a wedding gown). I also remember being taken out on the golf cart before the ceremony to take various pictures out on the golf course, gazebo and near the lake that made for some beautiful pictures in the late August sun.
    The ceremony was set out on the lawn behind the club parallel with the covered patio area where we would later have the first dance.

    The reception was held inside in a medium sized dining area with a large half moon bar. The room is wired for audio and if you work with the club and their wedding planner they will provide you with the food and waitstaff for the occasion. ** Side note: If you are a member of any of the Kingwood Country Clubs you will get a highly discounted rate.

    It was quite lovely and hopefully my reminiscing hasn't lost your interest. Hopefully you can picture how beautiful this club truly is.

    Moving forward to present day, my grandfather has recently had his 70th birthday bash here.  Walking up the steps all those wonderful memories I described flooded back to me. The club had supplied a buffet style meal of fajitas and other Texmex dishes which were actually really good for mass produced cc food. The servers were very attentive and as the large trays in the warmers were emptied they were immediately there to replace it with another full tray of food. The bar was just as I remembered it and my aunt had sprung for the expense of an open bar for all the guests.

    The acoustics in the dining room are also something to be noted. My sister is a high school nationalist viola player and played a few pieces for the guests as they ate. Her single instrument filled the room with beautiful music that could be heard by all of the guests, even over the murmurs of various conversations going on throughout the meal. I teared up in pride for my baby sister.

    The staff here is out of this world. I would have to guess there was a total of 6 people working that night, from refilling glasses to clearing off unattended plates from the large tables. They are so sweet and I had even run into a resident of mine from the old property management company I worked for who was working that night.

    This club is wonderful and should be used for anyones special occasion, from birthdays, to weddings and even baby showers. You will feel like the Kingwood upper crust with all the accommodations.

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