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    I'm sorry I usually want to encourage new restaurants in the area but to be honest Uncorked is a disappointment.  The staff though well intentioned are untrained and unfamiliar with the wines, the menu, and the specials. We came in 7pm on Sat night, and seated promptly....from there it went downhill.   The menu is very underwhelming comprising of sandwiches, no appetizers..  They do offer daily specials which were more of a dinner type with chicken,  stuffed pork tenderloin and salmon.  I opted for the stuff tenderloin which was turned out was not fully cooked.  I pointed this out to the waiter who basically said "I'm sorry I just deliver the food"".  I should also point out that there were no vegetables with the dinner just mashed potatoes.  My wife had an open faced sandwich no chips or sides offered other than a salad for an additional charge.  A wide variety of wines were on the menu.  My wife had the featured Chardonnay which was served at room temperature.  I had a Pinot noir also served at house temp which is acceptable but one expects a wine  bar to have wines served at the optimal temperature.  We saw a table being served a bottle of red wine which was opened at the table, poured and the the server put the cork back into the wine which we both saw as a rookie mistake.  The fact is  I can forgive folding chairs at tables if i am getting a quality wine and dine experience but that was not the case here.  Menus that are hard to read due to the font and size.   The menu seemed more appropriate for a diner or deli than a wine bar and lacked appropriate vegetables/sides.  Wait staff need to be trained on how to greet guest at the door, the wine list and characteristics of the wines, and the menu.  The menu needs to be reworked to provide pairing to some of the wines offered.   When a customer points out that an entre is undercooked and the stuffing raw the waiter needs to get the manager engaged.  I hope they can turn things around. I am not optimistic.

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    !!!!!NOTE!!!!! I just received a Facebook update from Uncorked saying they have stopped serving lunch and dinner.  They're a music and dancing venue now.  So, NO MORE FOOD

    Hub and I tooled in today for the first time.  We've been wanting to go in for a while now, but things just kept keeping us away.  That should end now.

    Uncorked is a locally owned and operated wine bar and upscale restaurant.  They've not been open long, but are working to make themselves the neighborhood hang out and nice eatery.  Don't let the small menu fool you. The owner really cares about her food, so she's doing a small menu that changes regularly that features whatever is fresh and new that may be interesting to her clients.  We spoke to her and to her staff and they really seem to care about the products they're offering.  Their philosophy is to make good food when you order it.  This is lovingly made food that is not sitting in a warmer and never sees a microwave.  It takes a little longer to get your food, but when it arrives, it's hot and fresh.  Our burger tonight was hot, juicy, and definitely hand made.  The potatoes that come with it were creamy on the inside and had a nice browning on the outside.  Delicious.  We look forward to trying new things on the menu and I look forward to updating my review.

    The vibe inside encourages you to sit and take your time.  I will say that this is not a place to run in, grab a bite and hit the road.   This is a place to come in and linger, meet friends and enjoy yourself.  Uncorked is also working to provide live music on the weekends, so this may turn into a sorely needed live music venue out here in the sticks.  Nice.

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