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    A place so sleazy even Ke$ha would think twice about going here. I know I don't a have lot of reviews posted on bars and lounges but I assure you I've been to a great deal in 9 countries. This was by far the dirtiest, grossest, most uncomfortable experience I can remember...

    1) The door man was rude and treated me like I was a child and that he was doing me a favor by letting me in. I offered you another form of ID to verify my age but he was still a DB. Doormen are supposed to there to enforce the law AND get people exited about having a good time, not flicking an ID in your face when he's done looking at it. Yes, I would have walked away but I was there for a birthday party so I let it go.

    2) $2 cover for 21+ and $5 for 18+ obviously cheap but then who really wants to go to a bar full of children?

    3) This place was SMOKEY, worse than your grandma's bingo hall. They only have two pool tables. The waitresses look 16 and wear ripped jeans and tight tee shirts, not very classy to say the least. The server had never heard of raspberry vodka, so don't come here looking for anything exotic.

    4) You know that creepy lady selling carnations? Yea she was there. So was a lady soliciting Rodeo tickets.

    5) Ok the music was 90% country, 10% hip hop songs that were popular 5 years ago. People like to line dance and two step but it's a place you have to show up with a partner to dance with or expect nothing good to happen.

    6)The crowd was (there's no polite way to say this) white trash. It's a big bar full of smoking, dipping men that wear denium on denium with boots and a cowboy hat. The women are mostly dressed like skanks, it just felt really trashy. It just didn't feel like a fun carefree time. Instead, I felt like I was suffocating and being checked out by men old enough to be my father that probably have never left their home town.

    7) When I asked my friend where the restroom was he said "when you see the man getting his shoes shined turn left." I thought it was a joke until I saw the shoe shine station.

    8) The restroom is gross and there's so many products lined up by the sink it reminds me of my local CVS store. Anything you need you can find gum, hairspray, Victoria Secret body spray, lotion. Oh yea the only non-white person I encountered all night was the bathroom attendant. It made me too uncomfortable to have this lady squirting soap on my hands and what not. I felt uncomfortable because everything about this bar screamed "I've got a confederate flag and a shot gun and I'm proud of it." However, she was very nice and I hope people treat her respectfully.

    9) Be sure to treat this place as cash only. If you want to use your credit card they charge you $50 and you sign for it and if you don't spend that much they refund you the difference at the end of the night. I'm not sure if that's legal but that's what they do.

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