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    All I can say is Wow. I left this place saying I would never return no matter if they had free admittance and free drinks. 1st all charging $10 in Humble Tx to get in is insulting if you are over age. I went because I had to return my friend's cell phone she left in car. Door people were ghetto and on their phones really not being anywhere near professional. They were not paying attention to anything just going though the motions. This became a problem because one of the bouncers were trying to make me pay again despite the fact that he was the one who put on my wrist band before. He was telling me to shut up while he was still on his phone before the girl took my money had to come and vouch for me after a noticeable argument.  Guy never apologized for the drama.  I went in and saw there was just open space on concrete.  It was dark and nothing but thuggish looking people. They had smoke machines or maybe that was just all the smoke in the club from cigarettes.
    Finally found my friend at one of the bars. There were guys so drunk they could not even stand while being over the top obnoxious and stumbelinas who were acting like they were training all over again in their high heels. Id hate to park next to any of these people.
    I didnt want to stay one minute despite my friend's pleas to just have one drink.  When I was on my way out a girl got struck in the head w/ a cue ball and it split her head open. The fight went on a while before it could be broken up. Club was way ghetto. No reason for a cover. Horrific service/ staff and worse clients. I really dont see this club surviving another month unless the underage drinkers keep it going.
    0 Stars!! Horrible!! Worse club I think I have ever been to since Resurrection

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