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    It was cool...before it closed down.

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    Do you use at least one bottle of gel/hair spray to get your hair spiked just right?

    Do all your accessories have skulls, metal spikes/brads, or chains?

    Are you pierced in more than three VISIBLE places on your body?

    Is it hard for you to decide to get a new tattoo because you can't figure out how to fit it between all the other tattoos?

    If you answered yes to any of those or want to see people who answered yes to ALL those questions, then Trash Bar Texas is the place for you!

    The Trash Bar is a fairly new bar that has live Punk music lined up for every weekend.  They opened in July, but seem to have gotten their liquor license worked out, though they did have free keg beer till 10 pm when I went (not sure if this will continue).  At this point, they are selling beer and wine (highest price $3), don't know if hard liquor is in the works.  

    The place is small, but there's plenty of room for punk rockers to thrash around.  There are a few couches and seating areas, but mostly its an open room with a stage for the band at one end.  This is a dirty rock club, so don't expect anything more.  

    Go ahead and give the Trah Bar a try, the worst that could happen to you is that someone's boot hits you in the eye and you get a concussion (actually it was pretty tame when I went, hopefully they get a more rowdy crowd on other nights).

    One final note, if you're like me and have gotten used to the clean air in Houston clubs, be ready for some second hand smoke since Humble is not a fascist community and allows smoking in bars.

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