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    For years I drove past this bar, nestled in a shopping center on Treaschwig in between a convenience store and a dry cleaners, and wondered what it was like on the inside.

    Finally, one night in the not too distant past, I was back in Spring way earlier than I usually am, so I figured I'd stop in and finally see what this bar is like.

    The bar itself was bigger on the inside than I thought it would be.  There are several tables, a raised area in the back with the bar itself, some pool tables off to the side, and a platform where a band could perform on the other side.  They also have a jukebox with a pretty decent selection considering that several of the album pages are handwritten.

    The times I've been there, it's usually not been too crowded and the majority of the patrons are older guys of the good ol' boy type.  They've all been nice enough to me and I've never felt uncomfortable in there, even when I've been the only girl.

    The drinks are on the cheaper side and not too bad considering you're in a bar in a strip center in Spring.  The bartenders (always women when I've been there) have also been really nice and fun to talk to.

    All in all, I'll probably never set out to go to this bar on purpose, but if I end up in Spring early after a night on the town, I might drop in here to cap the night off.  One could definitely do worse.

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