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    Here is another one of Chicago's food trucks.  I love food trucks and have tried over 95% of them in the city.  This one specializes in Mexican food and has a couple restaurants in the city.  I had this truck during lent and was unable to get one of their amazing burritos or tortas that my friends were eating.  And, I think for that reason, I had such a bad experience.  With everyone eating classic Mexican food, I ordered the lent special... shrimp patties... and after you read my review below, you will see why I gave it such a low rating.  I will be happy to try it again next time I find the truck and hopefully improve the rating!

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    Five days later, I am still salivating over the chicken taco that I had from this food truck.  Their chicken is a stewed version with peppers; no accoutrements are required.  It is simply one of the best things that I have ever eaten within the confines of a corn tortilla.

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