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    Rigatoni With Chicken & Veal Bolognese a must try. really good and the coffee cooler is good too! theres hookah too but I didn't try it

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    Great caesar salad and pasta. Yum! Nice to go relax and chat with friends

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    Simply a bad experience. Very bad service and they always out of stock.

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    From the outside; this is a cool, hip spot with windows/doors that open out onto the street if it's nice out.  There's a moody little back room that looks promising too but the food here completely ruins the experience. The coffees were terrible, the desserts- even worst. Stay away and spend your money elsewhere.

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    Good atmosphere. Great place for a late night chat with sweets and drinks. Request to be seated in the inner room for sure. Got to love the sofas. One thing that repeatedly is disappointing is how they always run of out ingredients so be prepared to be rejected when ordering something. I had their calamari, which was decent... could be more crisp and the calamari itself was a little soggy and not as fresh.

    Also, commenting on the pizza. When ordering, the owner said it was homemade and his own special recipe. And when we got it one of my friends commented how it tastes like DiGiorno (the cardboard frozen pizzas). I'm not sure if this is sure but the crust definitely tasted like the ones the public schools used to serve us in elementary to high school. I'm not sure... anyone have comments on the pizza?

    And don't forget to check- in with Yelp and get 15% discount on your meals :D!

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    BAD food, even worse service. I went here with my boyfriend to get some crepes. We were the only table in the restaurant, seated in the back room. We waited over 40 mins for our plastic tasting crepe; we all know a crepe takes nowhere near that long to make. Not once during those 40 mins did the waitress come to see if we needed more coffee or even peak in the room. She didn't even bother to apologize for the ridiculous and unnecessary wait when she finally did bring out our crepe, which only happened after my boyfriend went to the counter to see what the hold up was. I would never go here again!

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    This replaced Flamingo, a place once often visited by me and my friends back in High School. It still has pretty much the same feel to it with tables and chairs to sit in along with a more lounge like area in the back. A group of us went an were treated to some free baklava since my boyfriend actually knows the owner from where he works which was a nice touch. I shared a chocolate crepe with my friend. It was just a crepe with nutella, nothing special and kind of overpriced. The gelato was expensive at $5 for a small, I know gelato is usually high but that is the highest I've seen it in Queens. Not bad, a nice place to hang out with friends and enjoy some desserts. I have yet to try their food and I'm not sure that I will since we seem to come here after dinner not for dinner. They should play some music and set up a dance area in the lounge area, that would definitely attract some more people to go, at least it would attract me and my friends!

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    the atmosphere is great. My server is always so sweet and nice. they are truely the best place to go on a summer night to relax and enjoy a nice cup of tea OR a nice cold frappe! Their grilled chicken sandwich is really good too! however the best thing to order is the loaded PIZZA! It tastes so freaking good, the only thing you have to remember.. is to order it as soon as you sit down because it takes a REALLLLLLY LONG time.. but trust me the wait is so worth it! and hey at fresco.. who is in a rush? relax and enjoy!

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    This is pretty much the rebranded Flamingo Cafe. I came here with a friend to grab a carrot cake and mochaccino (Kahlua + cappacino) while she got the Tiramisu and a latte. All our dishes were average.

    There's some nostalgia associated with this place as I was a regular in my high school days. As it has since changed to Fresco, it lost some of that Flamingo allure, but the menu seems to be the same, so I guess I can't complain.

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