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    I seriously want to give this place 1 star, but I am trying to be objective...

    Equipment: can't really complain. There are screens both front back (maybe it's only for big party rooms. I don't know about small rooms). mic was good. remote worked well.

    Service: terrible except that they give you a bottle of water. On a door of each room, there is a tiny window, and I realized people working there kept on peeking through the window. I was very distracted by them. On top of that, when the remaining time went down to 5 minutes, they started coming in our room (after peeking) and asked if there is more people coming, if we're going to add more time, etc. They came in our room back and forth with 1 minute interval.

    When we were sining our last song we reserved, a girl came in (again) and told us that we should leave because the time was over. We knew that was our last song, and there was no way we could start another song when there is no remaining time. I was totally pissed off because I felt like they totally kicked us out. I walked out of this place unhappy and would never go to this place again. There are bunch of other nrbs nearby.

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    more like 2.5

    went here today with the bf after having some late-night chicken & beer on new years eve. it had just become the new year and we decided to go to nrb. we're both new to the area so we just picked a place close to where i lived, which happened to be this place. i think this place is more like a karaoke (where you can eat and stuff) rather than a typical korean nrb place i was used to (just good ol singing)

    the trip started off okay; they placed us in a HUGE room, which caught us off guard but we were okay with. Then they said they have to move us bc the room was reserved, and moved us to the EXACT same sized room but just in the basement. They brought us each a bottle of water for service.

    We were there for one hour and it was going good, just some good ol korean style nrb. we did notice that people kept on peering into the little window on our door but we just ignored it. then the manager guy came into our room and started talking to us in the middle of our song, which we didn't mind too much because he was just introducing himself and letting us know to call through the intercom if we needed anything. he left, and we continued singing.

    it was really at the end of our hour, maybe the last 1 or 2 minutes, that really left it as a bad experience. we were singing the last song we had reserved, ending the night off with some DJ DOC. Then a girl comes in, asks us if we're expecting people. We say no, she leaves. Then a guy comes in, asks us if we want additional time. We say, its okay. Then ANOTHER girl comes in, and tells us that we have to leave because our time is up - while we are still singing the last song. It's really annoying when you're trying to make most of your last song and you don't even get to sing it because they keep pestering you. I've never had this experience at nrb before, and i've had my share of some fun days since way back.

    When we were leaving, i did notice a group of drunk ahjussis hanging out in the lobby/outside. Maybe they were waiting for a room and so the workers there were eager to kick us out. I don't know. but it wasn't the best way to end my nrb night and i'm a paying customer too! It wasn't like we were over-staying or causing a scene or anything.... geez!

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    awesome food!!  the audio systems are top notch. highly recommended!

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