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    What?!  How has Tonight Bar not been reviewed?  I realized this when I tried to check in on my iPhone.

    This place is SOLID.  The perfect dive bar in Flushing.  I came here tonight with a guy friend after eating three times our weight around the corner at 66 Lu's Seafood.  This bar is FANTASTIC.  The bartenders are absolute dolls; they know everyone and will clink glasses with you.  My friend is a regular, but this was my first time here.  However, the bartender acted as if we went way back-- which I loved.  The crowd here is über friendly and amazingly chill.  This is NOT a sketchy place.  There's a back room for karaoke, but everyone sitting at the bar just passes the microphone around and the bartender will play whatever you want to sing.  It made me feel as if I was in a small town, a real community.  

    Plus they give you free peanuts.  Who can pass up free peanuts?!

    No, there's no beer on tap.  But you don't come here for craft beer.  You come here because it's fun, because the people are sweet, because you can belt "Total Eclipse of the Heart" sober and no one will judge you, and because of the peanuts.

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