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    Warning: If you know how to read Chinese, great. If you don't - Make sure to come here with a friend that knows or else youll be stuck for a good 10 minutes trying to figure out how everything works.

    Unfortunately, every single KTV in Flushing is like this place.

    The only thing I like about this place is that the amount of money you spend for just singing, is the amount of money you can get for the food. (So if you spent $16 for one hour of KTV,  you can get $16 worth of food before you have to pay for more food.)
    However, it doesn't make much of a difference because the prices for food is crazy expensive, and they don't have anything besides a bunch of fried crap, and a fruit platter that costs $30 and they don't even give you much. You're better off sneaking your own food into the place - make sure to hide it deep in your bags though, or else they'll make you throw it out before you enter the place.

    The service was terrible. My group ordered one order of french fries, one order of onion rings, and one coffee slush. The guy messed up on all three of those things. He first came in with an order of strawberry slush, which we made him take back. He then came in with two orders of onion rings, we made him take one back as well. When he finally came in with the fries, there was no slush. About 20 minutes before our time was up, we asked him where it was, and it seemed like he forgot all about it, so he just went into the kitchen. Around 10 minutes before we had to leave, he finally came in with the drink.
    I wanted another straw so I can share the drink with my friend, so I went out to the table and asked for one. The guy passed by and gave me an annoyed look and said, "just go back inside and you'll get one".

    The workers here are a bunch of teenyboppers that look like they just came from Asia, and they're pretty full of themselves. I think the only reason why they're even allowed to give you such bad service is because they have a set commission (15%).
    Because of the bad service, we only tipped him 5%, and when we went outside, a guy came running after us telling us we were short on tips. If they had told us inside, I would've probably argued with him and said that his crappy service didn't deserve full pay. However, we were already pretty much halfway down the block, so I didn't feel like arguing anymore.

    I will try to find better KTV places in Flushing, but it looks like i'm stuck with this shit for now.

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    Everytime when i am invited to this place make me dont want to go.  So my friend booked for a room apperantely they lady at the front desk messed up and told us to wait for 15mins which was okay at the beginnin but 15mins turned out to be 1hour. My friend started to complain and a staff there came up to give us attitude! The experience here is always horrible. The mics and the room are all so old. Wouldnt want to come back anymore.

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    So you expect to go karaoke and to have a good time. Great, but beware of the service. The workers there are nothing but a bunch of douchebags. 15 minutes before our time was up, they barge into the room and asks us to pay and they have the nerves to stand there to wait for us to pay. In addition, they came back to us saying we didn't tip enough. The nerve!!! Let me tell you something, tipping is optional, obviously I didn't give you what you wanted because your service was terrible. Be grateful that I even thought about tipping you. Overall, the songs selections were OK, but the service was just not worth the time. I recommend anyone who wants good service to not come here unless youre the type who likes douchebags then be my guest.

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