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    The comedy is great. The seating is bad. The food is absolutely horrid.

    We have been here many times and that is my feeling every time I leave. Last Friday the comedy was great but we all left our plates pretty much untouched.

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    I've only been here probably three times in my lifetime of living in Omaha, but each time was pretty hilarious. This most recent visit was to see the Michael Johns Hypno Show, and like other visits in the past - it was because we got an invite from a friend who had free tickets!

    I remembered immediately why they give away free tickets... there's a 'two item' minimum purchase - per person. But if you're planning on having a couple of drinks or a meal (or a bucked of beers) while watching the show, this really shouldn't be an issue.

    So come prepared to scarf down some pretty legitimately tasty eats in the dark while laughing and enjoying yourself in relatively close proximity to strangers doing the same thing and you're pretty much guarenteed to have a good time.

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    love this place. Have seen some awesome comedy, and some tasty food. The price is a little high for the food, I think that's to offset how little it costs to see an awesome show. Drinks are normally priced as well. Make sure you sign up for the eNews they have, I've received a couple of free tickets via this way.

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    As someone who hails from a comedy club-less town, I find the Funny Bone to be a really fun place to go. Alright, alright maybe we have something that calls itself a comedy club but is really the upstairs of a bar with metal folding chairs and plastic banquet tables. This place looks like Versailles compared to what I have previously been to, even if in reality it may not be the biggest or best comedy club on the block.

    They have some decent acts who preform here, as well as some lesser knowns who, in my personal opinion, are only funny if you're partaken in copious amounts of alcohol. There is always one person there laughing so hard you'll be inclined to believe they started their day off with a bowl of Cheerios and whiskey and haven't slowed down all day. They laugh before the joke is over, and then keep laughing when the time for laugher is over. It makes for a nice people watching, er hearing, experience.

    The inside of this place can be very, very crowded if the show is sold out, and if you're a party of two, you'll most likely have to share an itty bitty space with two people you don't know. Depending on your personality, you may view this as a positive or your worst nightmare. The food here is priced at what you'd expect for this type of place. Drinks are pricey, and they charge for water if you don't order other things. There is no minimum food or drink orders, which is very nice. They do add gratuity to your bill, but in this type of setting it doesn't really bother me.

    The downside to this place? The chairs. Oh my goodness gracious alive, they chairs are tiny and are so very uncomfortable. If you're under 5 feet tall, and weigh less than three digits, then you may have a chance of actually sitting in the chair comfortably, but don't count on it. Also, if you sign up for the mailing and texting list, you'll definitely get free tickets often. Who doesn't love free tickets?

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    Want to have a good time? Get tickets to the Funny Bone. They have some pretty crazy comedians on their circuit. Some of them don't change their acts very often so you may not want to hit them too close together but sometimes it doesn't matter such as J Medicine Hat. The opening acts are usually good as well and once you start going to this club, you will receive emails, texts and mailings for free tickets FREQUENTLY. I have paid for few tickets. The food is good, prices vary. The burgers are very good and so are the wings. The drinks-alcohol are a bit high but you can buy the Funny Bone glass for refill specials. This place is great and you will have a great time if you have a sense of humor. Most of the standup is very adult in nature so watch what tickets you buy if you are easily offended or offended at all! One other possible drawback, you will be seated with people you do not know unless it is a slow night.

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    Great customer service, even if you don't make reservations, they will accomodate you, great friendly food staff, I suggest if you have a Funny Bone, pun intended, go check it out, laugh til you cry....

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    When I moved to Omaha, I had a pretty skeptical view of what type of talent this place would draw.  Since that time, I've seen Lewis Black, Dave Attell and Bob Saget at the Funny Bone, and they continue to draw up and coming national comedians, as well as some established acts as well.  If you're in Omaha, check to see who is playing the Funny Bone and go to see them.  You can say you saw them before their special on Comedy Central.

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