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    I love this place. They have a great reggae band on Sundays. The appetizers that we tried are pretty good and the drinks are great. We went last Sunday and stay there from 6- midnight. We are glad we found this spot in good old coral springs and I will definitely make the drive from Deerfield Beach to Coral Springs to experience this bar again, especially on a Sunday. The staff is very nice and attentive too.

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    Beautiful new location with great outdoors patio area. Hope they take advantage of this space with music, pig roasts, etc.

    Coral Springs needs another home town pub, so I wish them success. Could easily become a local "Cheers" if they do the right things.

    Owner Tony has seemed to mellow a bit also!

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    $20 for a pitcher of Stella...Food was nasty...had the steak and so did my friend...had 2 pitchers of stella... steak taste like crap and the bill for just that was $85....Now I've been to bars from California to Belgium to Atlanta and here...NEVER have i seen a $20 pitcher of beer....I will make it my duty to warn of this place and keep people from getting robbed by a crappy bar...smells like a funeral home inside as well....

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    Come visit our new location at 10365 Royal Palm Blvd in the Palm Plaza. We are in a newer, larger location with 26 large screen tvs, an outside patio with a full service bar, a dinning area and bar area with great food and drinks seven days a week, our kitchen is open til 1am 7 days a week.

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    Complete Saloon Dive!

    I'm rating this place as bar dive. Not for the food, even though I know Chef V, and not for the ambiance. This is a pure drinking saloon and in my book its nothing more. Back in the day when GW owned it I would have rated this as a Raw Bar and a damn good one, not the case now. It's just a dive where you get a good stiff drink, a cold beer, pee on ice in the urinals and a get smoke smell lingering on your clothes. Lol.

    The staff is always friendly to me and I just love my girlfriend here, the Jukebox. Lol we've had a long running affair now for at least a decade:)  As for the food, I haven't really had anything substantial to eat here beside some steamed clams since GW left to open Big Bear. The clams were good but small. They had so many different cooks here but I do like Chef V. I just don't feel like eating when I walk thru these doors. It's all about drinking and the jukebox to me.

    If you like drinking, good service, and hanging around some questionable patrons then this is the saloon for you. Lol remember to tell them Dan sent you and Stay Hungry!

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    On a beautiful Saturday in South Florida I entered this establishment for a cool beverage and soup. well the cool bud light was the only refreshing thing in this bar. The soup was salty and the bartender had no personality, she was not very friendly, and tried to short change me.  when she was told about the error she didn't even have the common courtesy to apologize for her mistake. How many other customers is she doing that to??  She thought she was all that by the way she dressed, but could use definite improvement. Will  tell my friends this is not the place to go. Much better off at Big Bear Brewing Co. which is just down the road. They have class....

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    This was our regular spot every week for kickball after parties. They did a good job of hosting the kickballers. They had half off alcoholic drinks, a lame, cheap DJ, and beer pong in the back.

    The service was very good and they were very attentive. Well that is it for the good.


    The food is bad. I am sure it comes out of a box bought from Costco. The only half decent thing is the chicken tenders. Eat before coming to this place.

    Another thing what is with the emotionless bartenders. Could she not let out a half smile?


    This place is a dump. A dump that has a bathroom attendant.

    This place was very classy by having a bathroom attendant. I find it super annoying that a place barely cleaner than a crack  house has a bathroom attendant. Is he sanitized enough to distribute soap and paper towels? I am skeptical.

    If it were not for the kickball after party being located at Sharkeys, I would never come here. It gets two stars for some good experiences.

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    Sharkey's was my very first and foremost dive bar when I was initially introduced to the bar scene about five years ago. It soon became the regular hangout for me to become utterly, girls gone wild, black out trashed and it will always hold a special place in my heart for that; one of great shame and deep remorse. (I was raised Catholic.)

    The food's flippin' awful. One night I had a squad of people with me and we ordered a platter of buffalo wings. We dug into them voraciously but found ourselves pulling feathers out of our mouths more than once. We tried to get the platter comped but in our drunken stupor we had already devoured the whole thing so that was a no go.

    If the rednecks have control of the juke box that night then you're SOL. Unless of course they're the metal-head types, in which case, I'm having a good time; drunkenly head-banging in a booth somewhere and eventually punching someone in the face out of love.

    The only redeeming quality being that once the bar staff knows you, and likes you -- they will get you utterly trashed. On several occasions I had more than a few drinks comped from the waitstaff gals, but I was usually sneaking them shots or tokes in back alleys when they could slip away. Just don't be a douche n they'll treat you right.

    It's only been in the last two years that I've stopped frequenting the place for various reasons, the primary being in order to stop embarrassing my boyfriend in front of his friends by going on a tear. The secondary being that the damned facade of the place has been under construction for like three years now and seemed to be killing the business.

    All in all if you're just looking for a laid back atmosphere, with no pretense, no crowds, no dress codes -- to get supremely trashed, or even nurse a beer, then this place is definitely for you. One of the only sensible places in south florida where you can still find a pool table or a dartboard and you don't have to worry about wall to wall crowds or creepers molesting your ass whenever you turn around.

    Sharkey's, you've served us well.

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    Sharkeys is a great place to have a beer and a good time with no egos. The bartenders here will remember your name and your drink after a few visits. Jukebox is always good and there is Karaoke on Tuesdays hosted by Elvis..If you live in Coral Springs you already know who I'm talking about. They serve food late night, try the quesadillas, they are better than most Mexican restaurants around.

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