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    The place is now called Slate Billiards.

    No frills pool hall with beer and wine, and decent tables.

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    Several friends and I decided to come here the other night to spend a few hours hanging out. I'll be honest, I don't really know how much they charged for pool, because someone else paid. I want to say it was $8 an hour for unlimited players... but don't quote me on that.

    The place has a large amount of pool tables, and we had no problem securing two tables next to each other. The drinks were pretty cheap - it cost $3 for a bottle of Yuengling. And while they allowed smoking, it didn't permeate the place - as long as you didn't stand near someone smoking, it wasn't bad at all. I'm pretty sensitive to smoke, and it wasn't overwhelming.

    Just a note - this place seems a little bit hidden from the road - it's on the southeast corner of Boynton and Congress, in the Chuck E. Cheese plaza.

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