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    Cassandra, I understand that businesses have snags in the road when they first start off, however the behavior that was displayed was not acceptable. Control the controllable, right.  That conversation should of been reserved for after business hours.  My husband and I wanted a little date night away from our daughter and the work stresses and we had to hear the owner's wife or whoever rant and rave like a field hand.  Kaydee and I are with merit to post things on the Internet about businesses that do well and not so well.  When you are in the business of making money, you must always be professional.  You never know who may walk in.  FYI, I am a blogger who has ties to some Chicago celebrities in the area.  I was so going to post a review and pictures of the food on my blog about the first visit.  The second visit ruined that opportunity to post anything in about your establishment in a good way.  Mind you, my blog is followed all across the world.  The internet provides a both positive and negative medium to any business owner.  FYI, please train the staff and owners on professionalism. Yes, the cook was laying down in the booth (witnessed on my way to the bathroom) and the tables were dirty.  The service was so awful in which one of your wait staff a young male apologized.  So, Cassandra this is with merit.

    I have the right to comment.  It is no different than a personal shopper or restaurant critic.  The professionalism was lacking.  Yelling and airing your dirty laundry in front of customers was not cool, especially coming from an owner.  This is a reflection of the business and you. I am entitled to state the facts of my experience.  It is all about perception.  You should just take it as a learning experience.  I support businesses, however, I will critique them as well when they are subpar.  You are not in business just to be in business.  It is not an entitlement but a blessing.

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    I will like to give them a Five star review one day, but overall the portions were modest and the quality was decent. We came here around 7pm and for about 15 min. we were the only one's in the place until 3 more patrons came in.

    My 8 year old and hubby had cheese fries and their "homewood" chicken pannini. They both said,"it was ok". I had some type of spicy turkey breast wrap and it was ok. I just dont think that the pickles they serve look or taste to good. I assume this is their first restaraunt and due to that assumption, I will have to give them time to get better.

    *** Oh by the way, their bathroom was very clean. I hate when I walk into a dirty bathroom. They were also very understanding of my 14 month olds tantrums too:)

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