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    Closed/Renamed 2011

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    This place was pretty cool last winter when I went there. It has since changed owners and they have changed the bar around for the better. It is no longer a bar specializing in Absinthe, they are seeking to get more into micro brews and great specialty drinks. Also they have DJ's on the weekends playing great dance music. There is a small menu of food cooked on the outdoor grill, bratwurst were great. If you are in Copper you should definitely check this place out. Sometimes I go out there from Dillon just to have a few and party with the locals and out-of-towners alike. I almost forgot to mention the newly installed stripper pole, always good entertainment in that aspect. A few veterans have gotten up there and there is always the newbies that want to give it a whirl, entertaining either way. I have tried other bars in Copper and I always end up back at the Green Fairy. They have since changed the name to Esocbar, this place keeps getting better and better.

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    Small, but fun, bar.  Great apres drink specials and very comfortable seating (several sofas facing each other over a central table).   Had such a good experience my first visit, I went back for the advertised dancing, but the crowd was not in to it the night I was there, so the dance floor remained empty.

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    If it wasn't for the fact that our group of 16 filled up the place, I am sure no one else would have come in.  But luckily people did filter in and it was actually fun.  They started to place some good music that people could dance to and everyone got a little smashed.  This is the sister bar to the Alpinista and we got a chance to talk to the bar tender from the Alpinista after his shift.  Apparently there are some real busy nights and some dead nights.  Friday was dead, Satuday was insane.

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    Apparently I forgot my glow sticks for the night.  This place was packed for about a minute and cleared out the next.  The absinthe was okay but I'm not a huge licorice fan.  I don't know if coming early or late would really help, all that can save this place is less weirdos.  You're probably safer just walking down the way to Mulligans if you want to have a good night.

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    New bar that just opened up in copper village.
    Besides having a wide selection of Absinthe, they have dollar bud light and bud wheat for apres.
    They don't serve food, but I think you can get something from Alpinista and they bring it over if you want to eat.  

    They have a DJ and dancing every night.
    Definitely a fun place to hang out.  

    Had some dollar beers when i was there, but no absinthe, definitely going to have some on my next trip out!

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