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    My one and only experience @ Hard Daze was less than stellar...Went in on a Saturday night with my friend and husband (did not want to pay the cover charge at the Roadhouse). It was karaoke night which was a pleasant surprise, everyone loves karaoke :) The place was packed but we finagled our way into 3 seats at the bar. The bartender was super busy but so friendly! She explained she was the owner and was telling me about how she makes her cherry bomb shots, which of course we then had to try. We were having a good time and decided to put our name on the list for karaoke. Eventually we were told we would be up next and the dj handed us a mic. Then a different song comes on and we were really confused, apparently someone else was still before us. So we just stood up there awkwardly waiting for the song to be over and for it to really be our turn. But when the song was over some woman very rudely walked up to us and snatched the mic out of my friends hand! I confronted her and she said she was the dj's wife and the mics are very expensive and we should not be holding one unless we are singing. This of course set me off and by the end of the conversation both the dj and his wife were yelling at US saying we took the mic without permission. It was bizarre so we decided to leave and on the way out I did pull the owner aside and explained how completely inappropriate the dj and his friends/wife were. She apologized profusely and gave us a voucher for free drinks...I have to admit I haven't been back to redeem them and don't know that I ever will. The owner was great, but she is shooting herself in the foot with the entertainment.

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    Always enjoy grabbing a beer here after work.   The owners are cool and take time to talk to the customers.

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