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    I visited this place yesterday with my husband. I have heard about the Bristol Tap before, but despite living in Oswego for my whole life, I have never ventured over to try it before. I have to say it was a okay experience.
    It is a little hard to see unless you know where you are going because it's back further from the road, and only has a very small sign. The door has a hand written sign that says no babies or small children. Which is okay because it's a bar, you don't really expect babies here anyway right? It's kind of dark inside. They have very dark curtains up. It wouldn't hurt to turn a light on. When we walked out it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the noon sun.
    We ordered 2 burgers and 2 cokes. The burger is HUGE. it comes with pickles, tomato, lettuce, and onion on the side. All toppings are fresh and crisp. The chips were good. Overall, it was fine. Not mind-blowing as I have been lead to believe, but certainly not bad. The price is perfect though. I would go back.

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    Wow! Been coming to the tap before it moved. Best BLT BEST BURGER. Joe knows how to deliver great food at very reasonable prices. Great place to relax with friends and family.

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    WOW!!!! That's about all I can say! I've tryed this place a couple times,[to be fair as maybe someone's having an "off" day once,] but after last week I will NEVER return!!There are various reasons, but the most obvious one is poor customer service! I actually can't even say it was poor cuz they never really did anything!Oh I'm sorry, they do! The bartenders do shot after shot behind the bar!! This may be ok if you're caught up, but when there's obviously empty beer cans and glasses out on the rail I would presume that's your no.1 priority!!! They seemed very oblivious to them...or more like didn't give a rats butt! The lady's were not friendly and never smiled...they seemed to chat with "regulars" ironically all of whom were men, and seem annoyed if a women sat at "their bar!" I was shocked at their rudeness and oblivious behaviors!!! If I was that angry with my job and needed to drink every 5 minutes to get thru an easy shift, I'd definitely not consider it, but get another job...with a different line of work!!!! The strange part is the owners sitting right there! These girls make decent $ for what they do, as they don't leave the bar, except to smoke. Therefore I would think they could try to smile and not "snap" at all the customers...shocked they have any customers....well, I guess "cheap food and drinks" does it all! These bartenders wouldn't last a day in a different bar that actually thrives on customer service and  wants to add to its customer base, not run them off!!!!!

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