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    Really like this place for a local spot to meet up with friends and hang out. We went there for the Rock and Bowl (starts at 10:30pm) on Saturday night. I made reservations beforehand for 2 lanes. You could probably walk up but I wanted to be sure since we had a little crowd coming to meet us.

    Bar area was packed with locals and the karaoke started. After listening to someone whale on the mic we decided to get a few pitchers and wait for our Rock and Bowl to start.

    They are really strict on the over 21 rules. To order the pitcher each person in our group had to show IDs. I was probably older than the entire bar but okay! Still flattered nonetheless.

    We finally get to check in to R&B and then our IDs are check again and license run through a machine, then an Over 21 wrist band comes on. Wow, I think I am at a club again! lol! It is $15 for all you can bowl for 3 hours (10:30pm-1:30am), shoe rental included.

    It is a fun place, although they don't let you bring pitchers to the lanes. What we had to do was go to the bar each time and order separate glasses of beer. It became difficult ordering for our group of 10, we needed those starbucks drink holders! lol!

    The lights go down and the music videos come out. Some old videos and some new ones. I am not a video watching person so fun to see that stuff.  Fun to watch everyone starting out a "league" bowler but after a few drinks bowling into the gutter.  

    Will definitely go back although I am not ever getting the pizza there again. I had major food poisoning the next day. I thought it was the alcohol but I only had 2 beers total. I drink more at a baseball game. Really weird. There were two of us that had the pizza and got sick the next day.

    Otherwise, a fun place.

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    Brentwood (Harvest Park Bowling) Rocks! It begins at 10:30pm on Saturday nights. They turn down the regular lights, bring down the big screens and turn on the light/music show. For $15 a person, you get shoes and can bowl as many games as you want for 3 hours.

    We showed up without reservations. The gentleman at the counter was very nice and explained how it worked. He assigned us a lane and we were able to check in smoothly.

    We found out that they do not allow pitchers of beer if you are on a lane, due to the lights being low and so many minors being around.  I think that's a classy, responsible move. The bar is just a few steps away, so it's pretty easy to go back and get another round.  There was a steady stream of karaoke tunes and pool games in the bar. It feels like one of those happy little dives where everyone knows your name.

    There was a good variety of music, which fit the eclectic crowd in attendance perfectly.  As the night went on and peoples games seemed to be getting worse, the party atmosphere kicked in.  Some of the lanes just kept to themselves. Either way, we were all having a good time.

    So, if bowling like a dork in the dark with a ton of friendly strangers sounds like fun - check out Brentwood Rocks!

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    best place to get a 5 star kamikaze!! - right roz??!!

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    What can I say? It's a bar in a bowling alley. They should film a sitcom here.

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    Super fun cosmic bowling! But the bartender...that's another story. She was horrible! Wouldn't serve pitchers if you were on a lane (which I would understand if she explained, but instead, she was rude). Worst attitude ever!

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    Love the Sun night special. $5 per bowler .50 per game, hot dogs popcorn and soda. Been here several times(including the bar area) and has always had good service

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    To put things simply, the only good thing here is the time you spend with your family and how much it costs to bowl. We came on a Wednesday night and games were only $2 each and $2 to rent shoes per person. Pretty good right?

    My mom and I decide to get a drink at the bar and the bartender attending us was such a beezy. No smile, nothing. I asked her if we could get 2 cosmopolitans and she responded by saying "I don't have any of the fancy glasses." Okay...that's not what I asked. So I responded by saying "Well can you still make them or not?" And she rudely responded that she could. And she gave us the smallest glasses possible and it cost $11. Seriously? I've paid that much at Hooters and got a big amount. Whatever. Never ordering here again.

    As for bowling, its nothing special. Gets the job done. I love the time spent with my family, boyfriend and friends but I've been to better places. The pricing, however, is great and affordable!

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    This place is pretty cool on a Saturday night.

    $15 for unlimited bowling w/ shoes from 10:30 to 1:30. They have the black lights and music videos playing, its pretty cool.  They also have these neon yellow pins where if you get a strike you get free food or drinks.

    The balls are color coded with what weight they are, and the lanes are kept pretty clean. The staff is nice too.  

    My one complaint, often times the high school teeny boppers overrun their lane and get everywhere.... tripping all over into our area.

    Oh... they need more than one bartender.. OMFG waiting 10 minutes for a pitcher is ridiculous!

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    I've bowled here many times before and never had an experience like today's. My daughter's kindergarten class had held a fundraiser earlier this year, and had raised enough for the kids to get one final field trip before the school year ends, so the teachers thought bowling would be fun for them. A little more than a month ago, a letter and permission slip comes home, saying there were enough funds to cover each kid (total of about 97 of them) getting one game of bowling, a slice of pizza, and a beverage. Sounds simple enough, right?

    Fast forward to today. We get the kids on a bus a little before 9am, telling them to leave their backpacks and snacks and water bottles in the classroom, and we bus on over to the bowling alley. First faux pas - they had us bring the kids in through the bar. I don't care if it's 9am and no one's in there, kids do not need to be in the bar, period. But putting that aside, the trip started out fine. The kids who needed to rent shoes got them from Nicolette, the front desk clerk (and by far the nicest person we dealt with today, by far) and a guy named Kevin came out in front of the lanes to explain the rules and get the kids started. Everything was going fine, until the teachers inquired about when the pizza would be ready and were told that the snack bar wasn't aware of us getting pizza, so it would be more than half an hour until we got it. Then a couple lanes of kids finished bowling their one game - and were booted off the lane for other customers with nowhere else to go and no food to eat or soda to drink. The manager on duty (who was apparently not the GM, Jim, but someone else, whose name I did not get) started having attitude with the teachers, and rather than just apologize and rectify the already deteriorating situation, made it worse.

    First, there was no offer of an alternative food choice, or even one to tide the kids over until the pizza was ready. The manager on duty (who never made any effort to come talk to us about any of this, but made the teachers come find him) called the school and requested a copy of the letter that went home to the parents that said there would be pizza served, and then when one was produced said that wasn't good enough because it wasn't dated, "and could have been written any time." Are you kidding me? Yes, the teacher who brought that to you just typed and printed it right there - get real!

    By now, more and more lanes of squirmy 5 and 6 year olds are finishing bowling, and they are all very hungry. Christina from the snack bar and Kevin from earlier start bringing out sodas, which temporarily placate the kids, and then FINALLY (more than 45 minutes after it was expected) the pizza gets brought out.  Christina and Linda (the snack bar ladies) were really helpful in bringing the pizzas out to us, but even one of our chaperones had to go get a couple of them and bring them over to serve the kids. We finally get everyone a slice of pizza and a soda, but the pizza slices were not evenly cut, so some kids got bigger pieces than others - and while the kids who got smaller pieces didn't complain about that, they did complain after they finished eating their one small slice that they were still hungry.

    The final complaint we had on this field trip was that they restrooms were absolutely filthy. There was toilet paper all over the floor, and what appeared to be poop smeared on one of the stall walls. All in all, we were unimpressed with how we were treated, and most likely will not be having another field trip to Harvest Park Bowl in the future.

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    The long and short of it is the management needs to seriously lose the major GOD complex. I mean really; you're managing a bowling alley, not king of the world. You and you're bowling alley are really not nearly as special as you seem to act.

    We have been bowling here for a few years now. The thing that is attractive to us is they have a great family bowling package that is affordable for our larger sized family.

    There have been at least three times that we have has unpleasant experiences with management having a really bad attitude. On more than one occasion they have refused to let my 7ry old use bumpers (which made him not want to bowl again because he was only getting gutter balls, which is no fun!); But I think this last time takes that cake and it's likely we won't be back again. I don't think I have ever seen a situation handled as poorly as this.

    Today I helped chaperone a school filed trip to the bowling alley. I was very excited, since bowling is one of our family favorite past times.  One game, pizza and soda was in the package the teachers ordered. We made the kids leave their snacks/food behind in the class since we knew they would be fed at that alley and we had enough to keep track of as is.

    We get there and all seems well.  We get through our 10 frames and the kids are all now starving. The Pizza and Soda has not come yet.  The Kids are restless because their game is over and it's way past the time they normally eat. We are talking 90+ hungry 5-6 year olds with nothing to do and no food: NOT A GOOD SCENE!!!!

    As it turns out the bowling alley "didn't have it down that we wanted pizza". This seems pretty odd considering the teacher called 3 COUNT THEM THREE TIMES TO VERIFY THE DETAILS, including for special dietary requirements for one of the kids. The last call was just made YESTERDAY to confirm!!!

    You would think at this point they would apologize profusely and try to make the situation right by any means possible. But no, not the case with MR. superiority complex. Instead of apologizing he argues with the teachers saying he doesn't believe them.

    He actually said  (and this just floors me) "Well I'll take half the responsibility if you take the other half." To which he was appropriately responded to 'Uh NO, I will not take any responsibility for YOUR employee's not writing things down. *I* called THREE TIMES to verify what we needed.

    So then he continues to argue. He wants proof of who she talked to. It just so happens she does have it written down how she talked to, but it is in the class room and not at the bowling alley.

    Moving on, we still need to feed these kids. The pizza is not only not made, THEY HAD TO GO TO THE STORE AND BUY MORE PIZZA DOUGH. You would think the would have offered us hot dog instead, and/or at the very least let the kids free bowl to keep them busy while we wait again, not the case. They start booking the lanes where the kids are sitting. There's no where else to seat 90 kids but they didn't have the slightest problem shoving us aside to make more money.

    The kids don't have enough seats, it becoming very hard to keep track of them, and the alley is open to the public so safety is a concern. They are getting increasingly restless. Many are near tears they are so hungry. We continue to wonder if we will even get any food...

    During the process the manager disappears several times (once I know was to go get the dough). He is not bothering to check in with anyone on if the food is coming or how the situation is going to  get handled. I'm pretty sure he was just hiding from us and trying to not deal with it at all.

    The teachers have to hunt him down to find out if these kids will get fed as expected. Then he continues to argue. He says I want to see the flyer that was sent home to the parents stating the kids will get pizza.   REALLY?? You are going to split hairs like that??? It gets worse... so the flyer gets provided to him as requested and then he responds with, "well I don't see a date on this".  YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. Never mind "the customer is always right", what happened to even the basic customer service?? or COMMON DECENCY for that matter??

    For heaven's sake  we didn't show up with the intention to try to pull one over on them, I think that should have been pretty obvious, just GET THE POOR KIDS SOME FOOD ALREADY!!

    The kids finally got a soda and one slice of pizza. Of course they were rushed so the pizza was not cut very evenly and some some kids (including mine) got a tiny sliver that was equal to less than half a small piece. He was still starving...

    Over all the kids mostly had fun and the rest of the staff tried hard to get everything out to us quickly, but everyone was ready to get out of there at the end.

    The whole ordeal kinda over shadowed the fact that  THE BATHROOMS WERE FILTHY. There was a POOP STREAK ON THE WALL in one of the stalls. We got there at opening so obviously  it's not cleaned frequently. THUMBS DOWN

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    So this place has it's pros and cons, I should tell you we went on a busy Saturday night hen they had cosmic bowling (which we had reserved a lane for).

    The shoes are pretty new and seemed clean
    The lanes are very nice and seem well kept.
    The balls are clearly marked by stripe color for their weight, making it pretty way to find the right one.
    There is a full bar

    The lane next to us had 9 bowlers on it. That is just too many. And when you add in there were actually about 14 people, it made our lane crowded and our balls were constantly being used by them slowing up our game.
    The staff ate not the friendliest people in town, especially at the bar.

    All in all, I will bowl there again, just wish they would regulate the amount of people per lane better.

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    Came here on a Saturday night for a friend's birthday.  It was $15 for unlimited bowling and shoe rental from 10:30 to closing which I think was 1:30am.  They had music, black lights, and screens/tvs that all how music videos.  Also they did a fun promotion where if you had a yellow center pin for your frame and bowled a strike, you got free nachos, popcorn, or soda.  Nice place, clean, and plenty of parking.  Would go back for sure.

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    Had a good time.  The employees didn't seem too happy, but it could have been because it was early.
    Plenty of parking
    New shoes

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    Even though I live close by I refuse to bowl here. The staff is rude. As a league bowler for most of my adult life I have spent countless hours in a bowling alley. So I am OK with some indifference but this was staggering.
    Mind you this was many years ago but left such a bad impression I wont go back. My son expressed interest in a league. I called and left a message. I did get a call back to tell me when leagues start and she would call me when they form teams. Never got that call. So I called again, sorry the league is over half way through you will have to wait. So we waited and waited. I guess I timed it right because when I called they were allowing sign ups. Signed up was told I would get a call for the team meeting. Can you guess what I never got? A call. I had to call and ask. Never have I had such an issue joining a league.
    I was told I was on the Sunday Family League. So me my cousins and my son looked forward to meeting other families as we were pretty new to the area. WRONG! Even though this league had some families it was mostly thier Jr. Bowlers practice league from what I could tell. And boy oh boy did they take it way to serious. And once they found out my son was not interested in joining their Jr. Bowlers we got ignored. Not even asked to come back. No letter or phone call or on the last couple weeks a sign up sheet.
    So I gladly drive to Concord or Antioch and spend my money and time at a place that wants my business and lets me know it.

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    I've didn't bowl tonight.  My son was at a birthday party bowling with the others in the party.  
    I did however enjoy a sufficient amount of delicious fries.  They were about quarter inch cut.  Hot out of the fryer!  In the past I had one of the burgers and it's a lot better than you might expect from a small sized snack bar at a bowling alley.  Nothing sitting under some heat lamp.

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    I am not much of a bowler but it is fun to do once in a while. This place is the best in the area. The shoes are (as they do everywhere) usually older and kinda  beat up but good enough for the occasional bowler the lanes are good and the food is adequate (for a bowling alley). I enjoy bowling but most of all its good fun with family or friends. One problem though CAN YOU PLEASE DO AWAY WITH THE DISCO HOUR (or whatever its called!!) didn't you hear DISCO IS DEAD, LEAVE IT THERE PLEASE.

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    The moment finally came -- the day when Lovie finally saw how much I SUCK at bowling. He has been nagging me since we met to go bowling on one of our date nights, and after seeing almost every movie out in theaters, going shopping at the mall a million times, and eating at our favorite restaurants for months on end, I finally buckled to the thought of bowling.

    I remember coming here a few times when I was a kid. In fact, the last time I was here was for a friend's birthday party back in 7th grade. And that was the last time I went bowling. It was sad to see that for a Saturday night, this place was eerily empty - a true sign that our bleak economy has affected bowling allies. An hour of play time plus shoe rental costed $25. Add to that a pitcher of Bud Light, and we had a rip roarin good time. Surprisingly, I didn't do so bad than I thought. In fact, I almost beat Lovie in one game - needed one more strike on the last frame to take the lead, but I choked. Lovie was a natural and kicked my butt. I was okay with that.

    But then came the arcade games. Yup. I kicked his butt in California Cruisin and Air Hockey. So there. He vows we'll be back here for a rematch soon.

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    The shoes run big here. I'm usually a size 6 but I had to wear size 5. I didn't even have laces; I got the velcro kind! And it wasn't just me; it was all of my cousins. I'm not complaining. I just thought it was funny.

    There was 9 of us playing so we opted for the $7/person deal which gets you shoes, a drink, popcorn, and unlimited bowling for an hour. Unfortunately, we could only squeeze in a game and a half but it was still fun.

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    Only been here twice on Sundays for their Sunday $5 (more like $6 special--1 game, 1 rental of shoes) & 50cent per game after that. My friend called ahead of time to reserve 3 lanes so it was ok. We had to write down our team names a head of time--I kind of miss having control of the lanes and inputting our own names. I didnt see the kiosk to control it ourselves..

    Sometimes the shoe sizes differ depending on the kind you get. Great place for late night fun on a Sunday :] Wish the special was longer!

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    We go here frequently because of how close it is to our house.  It's about $22 for two adults for 2 games...

    It's good, but two qualms.  Went on a Saturday night and "put our name on the list".  We waited in the Bar, and couldn't hear a thing.    When my husband went to ask if we were called- we waited our 20 minutes- the lady looked at him and said, "I didn't call you yet.".. very Rude..  Other thing is food in little snack bar is bad quality.. we got a pizza for a party and entire bottom was black.

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    My family and I come here every Sunday night for league bowling. It is a great place for families, clean, safe and fairly friendly employees. Very tasty food too. I have had the cheese quesadillas there and had to split them with my daughter because it was huge!

    Natalie, the Youth Director is awesome!! She always has great events planned for the kids and does an excellent job at it.

    Lots of fun!!

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    Teri was very friendly and the place was fun.  We went on Sunday night and games, sodas and hot dogs  were only 50 cents after the $5 cover charge.

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    My home alley, the only one around Brentwood, I love this alley!  It is a clean venue, and it has all the current/modern facilities.  I love the fact it has the auto-bumpers that jump up per player.  Make bowling with my 9 y/o much more fun.

    I'd go into more detail, but what's important is knowing this a great bowling alley.  If you're going in the evening, plan ahead.  The league bowling can make it tough to get a lane sometimes.  Also, the "Brentwood Rocks!" program kicks in at a certain time, which is runs till 1am and is the modern lights & music party atmosphere.  I like to call or check the website <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.harvestparkbowl.com&s=1dcc0f9e974215b3659fb0d556117988e3b07be68b7c3bd5b9ff471b94d54ee5" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.harvestparkbo…</a> before going.

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    I love this place. Taco Tuesdays after league are always fun and I love the Rock N' Bowl on Fri/Sat nights. This place is clean and the staff is awesome. Don in the pro shop is great. He got my ball and shoes in quickly and is always friendly when you see him.

    There is also a blind guy who bowls here. He's very cool to watch!

    The only downfall to this place is that it is so crowded sometimes... 2 hour wait last time I came. :( Not cool. But that isn't their fault.

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