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    Bought a Living Social Deal for this place - cost $10 for $20.  Went in with a girlfriend and there was a live band - which is always a plus!  Sat down at the bar and ordered some Nachos and a glass of wine - friend had a beer.  Had a great time. It appeared clean and there was someone at the door checking for ID (if you looked less than 30) - they didn't card me - darn it!!!!  But, the bouncers were great and the bartender was very attentive to her customers.  

    Food was delicious and I saw other people at the bar eating as well.  Which is always good because you don't want to go somewhere and see that there is no food being served - you know if food sits for a while it gets stale and moldy!!!

    Definitely a do again!  The band was great, not really my kind of music, but they definitely were worth their money I'm sure!  No cover charge - woo hoo!  

    I really don't remember leaving this place, so I am sure I had a great time!!!!

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