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    Igot's has live acoustic guitar on Thursday evenings -- and so far, I've been there twice and been impressed by each musician.  The first time, I was also fascinated to watch the people -- OMG, Lake Worth looks like an interesting place to live.  My only complaint is as a recent ex-smoker, the fumes drive me insane since I think everyone in the place is always smoking and I end up buming one or two.  However, the big bartender is generally nice and makes a nice cocktail and I love the open windows concept.   They don't serve food, but Dave's is next door (and owned by the same) and if you're nice, I bet they'd deliver!

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    So I thought this place was way cool and would have gotten all 5 stars if it was called IGOR instead of IGOT...

    Besides the name issue...this is definitely a dive bar and it seems to attract all the crazy characters of Lake Worth including myself. I came here dressed in my man pants and a white mans undershirt and my hair pulled back in a tight bun since I just got out of class (and that's how hideous I HAVE to dress for school) and I felt completely fine. I fit in very well. I'm all about laid back bars and this is definitely that. It's small inside and so you basically sit at the bar or the high tops lined up by the side of the bar. It's all open so Josh and I sat at a high top facing the street watching all the other crazies stumble on by. I would definitely recommend this bar if you are coming by on a week night and wanna drink with friends and not have to get all dolled up.

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    An upscale(ish) dive bar. It has big open windows throughout and a surf town theme. You can stand just outside if the smoking is a bit much for you and for me it often is. The drinks are poured heavy and unless you ask otherwise your cocktail will be poured as a double tall in a pint glass. the prices are not too bad and easily one of the cheapest places to have some drinks in downtown Lake Worth.

    Live bands on Friday and Saturday nights, but it is a bit cramped for it and there is always a string of characters coming through. This is easily one of my favorite people watching spots in the area. The bar staff for the most part is very nice and will take good care of you.

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