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    Huge glasses of wine to put you to sleep on those red eyes. Pizza was ok and very overpriced.

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    Its in the airport... its next to my terminal... and there's a drink called "LAVA FLOW" that is ahhhhmaaaaaayzzzing!!! Amazing, I meant. A little pricey though!

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    Luckily, this Pizza Hut was near our gate where we boarded our flight  from Honolulu to San Francisco for a 5 hour flight. We only had 15 minutes before boarding to look for food.

    We bought a mini cheese pizza here, which cost only about $6 (surprisingly affordable for an airport restaurant) and took 6 minutes to cook. My extremely PICKY son dug into that pizza as soon as we boarded the plane and ate the entire pie very happily.

    They were friendly, efficient, and the pizza passed the picky 4-year-old taste test. Thumbs up from a satisfied mom.

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    Well after my five hour and twenty minute flight from LAX, I needed a little something to eat and I figured a drink or beer would be nice as well. I had an hour and a half to kill so I wondered around and came across this place. The sign read: "Island Brews and Pizza". Great combination. I watched up to where the pizza was and as I arrived, I read the top of the familiar little red boxes and they read: "The Hut" Damn! Okay, I was already in line and could easily transition to the bar line so I bit the bullet and got a pizza.

    After a few minutes wait it was my time to order, I wasn't familiar with the beer selection that was on tap so I asked the bartender and without a word, he grabbed the beer list and tossed it in front of me. Rude if you ask me. He didn't seem busy, but was obviously not having a good day. I read them found one that sounded to my liking (Keoki Sunset Ale) and ordered one of those. At this time a guy behind me was trying to order a Jack and Coke, a real douchebag. All neck, tatted up, black wifebeater. The bartender told him it would be a moment and he made some stupid remark about what, was there some sort of wait based on seniority, was it because I was younger so I got to order first. No a-hole! It's because of the way to were demanding your drink and because I was in line first.

    I got my beer, gave the bartender a twenty. He walks to the register, walks to make the guy his drink, walks back to me and tells me how much my drink is. Which he just did... right before I handed him my money. How did you possibly forget? This happened in the span of a minute. He made change, almost slammed it on the counter and went to do something else.

    I think next time I will bypass that place next time I go back to that airport in a few days. Not the way I wanted to start out my time in Hawaii.

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