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    It is a beach, how good or bad can it really be.  This beach also happens to have volleyball, mini-golf, softball fields and more....which is nice

    The negative is that parking can be hard and it does get crowded since the NYC buses come here

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    I came here for the first time back in July and I really had a great time! The beach is very clean and there are tons of shells to collect all along the beach. Parking is super easy and it's pretty cheap for the whole day (I think $10). The only downside is that the bathroom and washing facilities are old and pretty dirty. The concessions are fine though and it's an overall nice place to spend the day at the beach!

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    I'm not a big fan of beaches and this just confirms why I don't like it. While the beach itself is nice and well-kept that's about it. I think for me the issue is there are so many people for such a small amount of beach. The summer is the time for everyone to come out and for me, it's annoying. The people are a lot of annoying New Yorkers/Long Islanders. The water is okay and but fun for just a little bit, pretty flat. A beach is a beach the only difference is the people and I was annoyed by them since it was so packed.

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    Never go to Jones Beach off-season. My last visit (on a beautiful day) was the weekend after labor day, but going after "the official end of summer" made ALL the difference. Transportation is inconvenient, half of everything is closed, and general energy/mood of the "crowd" is lacking. Outside of the official days of summer, whatever you're going there for can be found closer to home.

    If you walk a mile east, you'll discover a sparsely attended hinterland section of beach whose few sunbathers seem to be mostly *nude* men in their 40's and 50's.

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    This is our first time back at Jones Beach in over 15 years! This area really took a wallop from Sandy!

    The beach was clean, well taken care of and field 4 sand was as great as ever!

    The new ticketing system where you have to purchase at the west bathhouse is the dumbest thing ever thought of though. Absolutely asinine! $10 for parking, I miss West End 2 though... :)

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    A great getaway that's close to the City, but just far enough away.

    The beach itself is very expansive and stretches over several miles. Weekends are busy, but the area is big enough that you can still find a nice place in the sand. Weekdays are low traffic and very peaceful.

    Parking costs just $10 and that is all you need to pay to gain beach access. A good bargain considering that the beach is fairly clean and well-kept.

    Walk east for a while, if you're adventurous, and you'll uncover a more "exotic" portion of the beach. Head west to get away from any crowds that may build up.

    Keep in mind that you are in New York and it's fairly common for large groups of "natives" to pick a spot in the sand that's awkwardly close to you.

    It's a great find, especially for someone like yours truly who is from Connecticut, but can't stand the local beaches. The surf at Jones is light to moderate, but come when there's an ocean storm looming offshore and get ready for some rough seas.

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    Beautiful and expansive beach. Pretty clean for new york standards and not at all crowded on the weekday  - went on a Tuesday and there was hardly anyone on the beach. Wish there were more food and shopping options though on the boardwalk. Didn't explore around the area too much as I was there for a concert at Nikon Jones Beach but I think there may be more food options in the Westboat House area.

    Nice place to have relaxing day at the beach. I don't think they charge for beach passes here either. It's not the same as Jersey but not a bad option for the city. The water I have to say isn't great - stronger smells and not that clean compared with Jersey.

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    The crown jewel of master builder Robert Moses' ambition, Jones Beach has been dubbed the "Riviera" of Long Island by adoring fans. I've seen videos on youtube where songs praising this massive stretch of sand are performed with enthusiasm. Looming large over the imagination of many, Jones Beach is unavoidable, a behemoth that you will encounter even if you are trying to escape to other Long Island beaches via the parkway system.

    Before Robert Moses was vilified as the would-be destroyer of Greenwich Village, he was responsible for quite a few large scale public works projects that actually benefited the public. Jones beach was one of them, built to liberate the city dweller from the crowded uncomfortable carcass of a rotting summer metropolis. Unlike Coney Island, Jones Beach was to have no games of chance or other activities Moses considered of low moral character: you'll find a boardwalk that's a literally a board to walk or exercise on but seek out whack-a-moles elsewhere.

    The idea was to uplift the spirit of the masses through sport and recreation, molding them into healthy citizens who will shy away from crass carnival atmospheres. Or such was the vision of Mr. Moses.

    80 plus years later, the experience of Jones Beach will vary and will be what you make of it and, most importantly, when. My visits this season have primarily been on weekdays or weekends after 6pm, when you drive past the toll booth and are waved on through the gate by a teenage worker, forgoing the $10 vehicle fee.

    On a summer's evening, when the sun isn't as powerful but still peeking through the clouds, Jones Beach can be a relaxing, rejuvenating revelation if you seek out the private nooks of places like Field 1. Birds are chirping, waves are crashing and you'll come close to a Robinson Crusoe type experience.

    There's a very different scene during prime weekend hours, of course. People, and lots of them, everywhere, claiming their patch of sand to establish base camp. Signs prohibit music; people ignore them. Children frolic and scream, teenagers travel in packs on the prowl for action and the elderly bake like a casserole in the oven. Yet there's space for all of this and one can still carve out a respectable square without the population density of NYC beaches.

    There are Art Deco bath houses, an open air theater for performances, golf, basketball courts, a calmer beach for children and a nature center. I'm sure I'm forgetting something given the size and scale of this beach complex.

    The trek to Jones Beach will vary depending on your point of origin and means of transportation. Mass transit via LIRR requires a bus transfer in Freeport. From Central Queens by car is 25-30 minutes under ideal traffic conditions.

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    Water was nice, but rough waves and infested with swarming flies that bite. We had to leave after only about an hour. Plus the "convenience store" was open when we got there around noon and locked shut an hour later; not very convenient. And the beach could've used a cleaning; my 4 year old was picking up trash along with her shells. Not the best beach experience.

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    We went to the West Bathhouse Pool on Sunday July 21, 2012. It has been more than twenty years since I last visited the pool.  It seems they go out of their way to inconvenience people.  Is there a reason why this facility has not been properly renovated?  For goodness sakes it is 2013.  No picnic area! On top of the crappy facility and inconvenient parking, you have to deal with the lack of decorum by your fellow guests.  Ugly tattoos, inappropriately dressed heavy people, yelling, screaming, cannonballs, stab wound scars, gunshot wound scars, inappropriate bathing suits. My next visit will be in twenty years.

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    Pros: Convenient location, free after 4PM on weekdays and 6PM on weekends
    Cons: Littered sand, unclear water, unpredictable crowds
    Neutral: Cash-only parking fee ($10 when beach is open, $8 when closed)

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    Although the bathrooms are deplorable JB is a Long Island landmark and popular summertime hot spot. With miles of beaches, two big pools and plenty of activities around its easy to get lost in this massive state park.  I really enjoy the free summer concerts at the Jones Beach Bandshell (park at field 4 walk under the tunnel and its just past the cafeteria) which start around 8pm.  Tons of fun for everyone and wear sunblock during the day and bug repellent at night.  This park can get very buggy.

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    Was at field 5.  totally new sand which made it awesome to be on July 4th weekend.

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    It's not the cleanest beach, it's very crowded, sometimes can be ghetto. It takes forever to walk to the beach from the parking lot. The food court is good. Hamburgers and hot dogs. However long lines

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    I would like to point out here that this review is only for the Air Show,not the beach itself...... The air show this year was as good as it gets considering the financial crisis that the government is facing, that's to all the local talent, and bethpage credit union for the invite they ate the best!! Thanks Melissa!!

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    I happened to work on a day where, well...


    On this day...

    The air show which was also on full display on this day was pretty fun...

    For kids...

    For adults, I was pretty sure they came to tan or the ill advised SUNBURN (I did the latter because I was that dumb THAT DAY).

    I think this is actually one of the better beaches in NYC.

    Compared to beaches outside of NYC this beach wouldn't even make the list.

    BUT when you are in NYC, skip Rockaway beach and maybe even Brighton.  

    Definitely SKIP the beach at CONEY ISLAND.

    Jones is where you need to go.

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    Jones beach is a pretty good beach. I've spent a lot of time here in my childhood... playing in the sand, jumping in the water, packing a picnic on the beach and even going mini golfing. This place holds a lot of memories for me. It's got the water tower aka the pencil... pretty iconic, you can see that from pretty far away. Over the years it has gotten significantly more expensive. (If you get the yearly pass, totally worth it.)

    I honestly like going to Jones when it's the off season times. During the peak of summer (June, July) it's PACKED with beach bums and crazy families. I personally like to go when it's cool and crisp outside with just a few people. I absolutely love that boardwalk. I go on my runs there sometimes, and it's awesome. I've been here at night and it's especially fun when people perform at that stage/mini arena. They sometimes have live music and dancing. Jones Beach is a great place for people of all ages. They have a food court but to be honest... it's REALLY unhealthy. I recommend bringing your own stuff. (But watch out for those pesky seagulls. They will take stuff in the blink of an eye!)

    Unfortunately, I know this beach was really affected by Sandy so I don't know exactly when it will all be back to its original state. But I do hope it gets restored because this beach is very loved in our community!

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    Not good at all. Went with a few friends who said it was good, but it wasn't. It was pretty dirty.  This is where the 4th of July fireworks apparently are set up but I can't seem to imagine how is that possible in this littered place.
    This beach is not as good as the Santa Monica beach and definitely not as mind blowing as the beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico!!!!!!

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    I usually go to Jones Beach whenever I want to go catch some rays & enjoy the saltwater in New York. Any other beach within New York City is really out of the question.

    Although, Jones Beach is a bit far from the city it is definitely worth the trip. You have a huge beach, which is cleaner than city beaches, a pool facility, & a food establishment to get some grub.

    The only downside would be that the bathrooms are dirty and have no showers.

    Other than that I would recommend going to Jones versus any other beach in the New York City area.

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    I liked Robert Moses a little more, but this place still gets four stars.

    Lots and lots of parking! Don't worry about not finding a spot.  That won't happen.

    Water was nice and clean;  lots of seaweed floating around that might get a little annoying after a while.

    Nothing to special, but a very pleasant experience!

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    I love this beach!  The beach is very clean, or at least the cleanest I've ever seen.  They have vehicles that drive around cleaning the sand of any garbage in the early morning.  Field 4 and 5 seem to be the more popular spots with a boardwalk, food court and swimming pools available.

    Life guards show up by 10am so if you arrive too early the beach cleaning crew may tell you not to go into the water until the life guards show up.  Being that this place is so popular it does get very crowded but it's not as bad as most would expect it to be.  Sure it seems like people are too close to you when they settle down but it's only because everyone wants to be closest to the water so after a few hundred feet from the water the beach is empty.

    There are also other things to do at this beach but I only visit to be a beach bum.  I've even seen a children's playground near the boardwalk.  Parking is $10 and they rent beach umbrella's for $10 with a $10 deposit.

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    This was my first experience at Jones Beach. I went because I bought an Empire State Parks Pass this year which means I get free parking at this beach.  I would concur that there's some trash here - most of it was in the parking lot though when I went.  The beach seemed freshly combed.  

    Also, I agree that the crowds were pretty badly behaved.  I felt like I was in Coney Island - somewhere accessible by subway.  People were screaming, rude and a woman was passed out drunk by 11 am in my section.  People basically ignored all the posted rules.  Also the walk to the water across the hot sand was long long long.  Reminded me of Wildwood but without the fun boardwalk.

    Theoretically I will go back - because - well - free parking.  I feel like I've just got to find the right lot.  But all of the complaints that people are listing - they are not figments of their imagination.  Get there early and try to get away from the horde and you'll probably be ok but you won't mistake this place for, say, Fair Harbor.

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    I love Jones Beach. Most of my experiences have been on the weekends, but I also used to stop here on my way home from work to sit on a beach chair and read a book while listening to the waves. A lovely way to end the work day!  

    This year is the first I've been there out-of-season, and I was surprised to see so many others enjoying the boardwalk each time I've gone. It's a great place to go for a walk with your baby, and to chat with others if you're so inclined. Parents with children are there, people walking or jogging, friendly retired folks, etc. It was definitely not a Lifetime movie waiting to happen ;)

    Lot 6 is the best place to park, but fills up really quickly on weekends, etc. so plan accordingly.

    It's $10 to get into the park. If you plan to go more than a handful of times and/or want to go for just a little while without feeling like you're throwing away $10, buy an Empire Passport.

    I love the Jones Beach theater too! It's great to watch shows with the ocean in the background.

    We went once for their 4th of July fireworks and they were AMAZING!! It was a pain to get out of there afterwards though so we haven't gone back.

    There's also a nice, paved, bike path from Cedar Creek Park to Jones Beach.

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    I love Jones Beach for their events, walks, and fairs.  Especially the Breast Cancer Awareness walk in October.  There's also Zumba at the bandshell on Sundays during the summer.  Summer concerts at the outdoor concert theatre are usually amazing, although the line-up is subpar in recent years.

    But for swimming and fun in the sun, it is one of my least favorite beaches on Long Island.  It's such a trek from the parking lot to the shore - by the time you get settled you're drenched in sweat.  It's also one of the most crowded beaches during the summer - and it seems like the crowd gets more and more annoying too.  Smokers, people with loud radios and big mouths...it's definitely not the place for relaxation, peace, and quiet!

    For your moment in the sun, try Robert Moses, East end of Long Beach, or go way out east to Montauk!

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    Jones Beach is the beach of my youth.

    I swam here, I played here, I worked here, I went to my first concert here. But I pretty much have ignored Jones Beach throughout my adulthood, more enamored with West Coast and European beaches. Once I moved to the city I turned my attentions on the ultimate: Coney Island.

    When I returned the other day for the first time in almost a decade, the boardwalk immediately brought me back to a more simple time. That's the thing about Jones Beach. There's not much as far as bells and whistles go. No Cyclone. No bright blue waters. No crazy waves. No Parachute Jump. No parades. No scene. No gambling. No major ballpark. It's just a beach with a mini golf course, a pool, an amphitheater and plenty of concession stands.

    I do fault them for letting the concession areas get so run down. No renovations since I worked here in high school? I mean, come on. It's great that they keep the original East and West Bathhouses pristine as they were when built, but it's also rather depressing to see the main "mall" concession area looking so dated and run down. The restaurant is now a pile of rubble with no signs of anything being done with the space. Rumors of Trump building something seem to be just that. I mean, I don't want Thor Equities poking their nose around here, but surely there's a happy medium.

    Love all the signs giving the history on the Jones Beach, which apparently went up about 10 years ago. This also reminds one that this beach was once so much more than it appears nowadays. It just needs a bit of a face lift.

    Walking on the boardwalk with my mom last week, reliving both her and my childhood memories of Jones Beach, was kind of priceless, though. We'll always have that at least.

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    You know how people say the sun is the most dangerous on cloudy days, because you THINK it's not going to burn you?

    Yeah, turns out that's true. At least according to the flaming, red-delicious-apple-colored slab of meat that used to be my back.

    I forgot to put sunscreen on. And I don't care what you heard, it wasn't because I was completely engrossed in a novel geared toward teenage girls.

    Jones is a pretty nice beach though. Not the best ever, but worth a little trip if you can't freeload off your friends in the Hamptons that weekend. And every once in a while, they have a good concert.

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    I have a love/hate relationship with Jones beach.

    So conveniently located, only 10 minutes away from my house. I love that  there's free concerts at the bandshell. I love catching those tiny little fish & hermit crabs at Zachs bay. $10 a car? BEST deal around.

    The beach is so dirty sometimes, garbage everywhere, parking lots covered in beer cans and broken bottles.

    Clean up your act Jones Beach and I won't be forced to take my out of town friends to Gilgo.

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    Jones Beach can be a wonderful getaway -- but as in most everything else in life -- timing is everything.

    Perhaps because this is one of the few truly public beaches in Long Island, Jones Beach can attract anyone and everyone -- stay away during weekends and holidays as it's absurdly crowded.

    But if you come on a hot summer weekday morning, you'll find yourself in a mini-paradise.  Standing on the beach, you'll see nothing but ocean and sky in all directions.  It can feel as if you've truly gotten away from it all

    If you want even more privacy, head to Field 6, the farthest East bathhouse, and then keep walking East away from the rest of the crowd.  After a mile or so, you'll find yourself in the company of naked people.

    This is the un-official gay/nude section of Jones Beach -- although there are generally a handful of women here too who want to sunbathe nude without being hassled.

    While gay Jones Beach lore is filled with Fire-Island like tales of debauchery in the dunes, I've found my visits to be far more relaxing than raunchy.

    Do note that nude sunbathing is technically illegal and police have on occasion handed out citations...but it doesn't seem to happen that often.


    Helpful Tip:  Depending on which direction the wind is blowing, the mosquitoes can be an awful nuisance.  Bring bug repellent!

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    I used to love Jones Beach, but it seems like over the years, more and more city people have invaded the beach. It's not as clean as it used to be, and the water felt slimey. It's too overcrowded. Me and my brother traveled further down the road to Robert Moses (where the buses don't go) and the water was so much more cleaner, the sand is much nicer, and there's less people.

    Jones Beach holds alot of memories for me, and it is a nice place to spend a day, but check out other beaches in the area as well.

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    FIELD 6! Haven't been here in years! Bring back memories when I rocked abs of steel. Why have I not come back before? Well, I discovered the beaches of Aruba. But hey, this is a review of my experience at Jones Beach.

    Came here on a lazy Friday afternoon with my brother. He and I had Friday afternoon off from work. I just sat on my chair enjoying the sun, reading a chick-lit novel, listening to eighties music, and watching the waves. He went off to go to the icy and cold waters. I enjoyed the companies of a lovely family with young children in front of me, rowdy teenagers on the left of me and on the my right, curvy latinas rocking bikinis basking in the sun.

    Here are the highs and lows of my beach day:

    The HIGH: seeing a chubby young man so confident in this Burburry print speedo brief. He rocked it!  His confidence goes well with his small boobs and big belly. Another high, seeing a sand castle. See pic.

    The Low: OMG! I never thought I see the day. There was an older man - in his fifties rocking a black FLOSS THONG. BUTT CHEEKS HANGING! This guy was walking along the shore line in all his glory with no care in the world. I have no problem with this but c'mon there are kids there and a people gawking at you! My brother kept saying "STOP LOOKING"! How can I not look! It was a FULL MOON! Another low, a swarm of dragon flies flying by you. It was a scary experience for a fear of attack and I waiting for all screams and evacuation to the parking lot. They are harmless flies.

    Overall, a great afternoon at Jones. I look forward to the next summer day where my feet hits the soft sand. $10 car fee.

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    I've been to the Caribbean. I've been to Bermuda. Beautiful, beautiful beaches. But where they within a 50-mile radius? No sir.

    I came here on a pure whim via public transportation. You can catch the N88 at the Freeport LIRR station and skip the ten dollar parking fee. The schedule is every half hour, but be mindful of certain drivers that will arrive early or late on purpose.

    The beach itself is beautiful, long stretches of white sand... though the distance between the boardwalk and the water is large. The place is kept surprisingly clean, despite the free admission. There's a Friendly's ice cream parlor and several snack stands that are a bit overpriced.

    Waves are pretty big, in the eyes of a girl who's used to the Sound. Water is also very salty, but clean (no oil yet, BP). Children seem to enjoy jumping the waves, but my timid self can't swim.

    People are also really nice... a good, diverse mix of people attend this beach. Lockers are available for seven dollars (you get two dollars back)  but those are only for the pool, so be warned.  I went on a weekday, so that might have something to do with the pleasant atmosphere.

    A great experience for what I'd like to call a day-cation! :D

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    I have been to this beach several time over the past few years and I have not once been disappionted. Not with the Beach upkeep or with the service or with the patrons they all recieve high regards from me! It's a beautiful place to go and relax with family and/or friends take in the sun and enjoy the water.
    And most importantly the lifegaurds are always alert and aware of everything!

    Here are some of my personal favorites about Jones Beach:
    -Go to Field 4 it's nice and big... with lots to take in the boardwalk, umbrella rentals, concessions, boogyboard rentals, and seasonal food (funnel cakes, etc.)
    - Either go early and pay the $10 parking fee and get a close parking space or got after 4pm no parking charge and you'll get a great spot.
    -Be prepared: Have cash on hand because there is only 1 ATM and the food is a bit pricey but worth it!

    Otherwise go out and enjoy the beauty that NY has to offer at Jones Beach!

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    Jones Beach is the most depressing Beach I have ever been to. I know I will get some haters for this one. But it is true.
    It is not a resort town for the uninformed, it is  just a beach.
    It is just a big parking lot and a beach. It lacks charm. It is also dirty. There have been bands I have wanted to see who were playing here but I just skipped it all together because I don't like the vibe here or the crowds. I have been to Jones beach many times especially when I was younger and have never seen dolphins swimming or playing in plain sight. It just seems dead. A good beach has dolphins in plain sight every day especially in the mornings. They probably do swim through but they don't stay to play. A sighting must be rare as to where at a real beach you expect to see them.
    The one good thing I can say about it it is the Atlantic Ocean.

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    I grew up in Southern California, so I'm used to awesome beaches that are easy to access with a car.  I don't have a car here and it sucks having to depend on public transport, it's such a production! But nonetheless, I like Jones Beach and I was able to come here a few times this past summer.

    It is fairly easy to get there from Manhattan, just take the L.I.R.R. from Penn Station to Freeport. It's about $16 roundtrip (Takes about an hour from Penn Station) and you have to take a bus (another 20 minutes) to the beach.

    The beach stretches out pretty far, but I just get off at the first stop which is the west bath house. The beach is clean and the water is cold! (That's the Atlantic for you!) In addition, since it's stretches it far, it's not so crowded (at least the times I went!) There's even a friendly's ice cream shop (which I guess is big in NY). [mmm... ice cream..]  There's also a little cafe with food, which is burgers, hot dogs, fries bla bla - you're better off bringing food with you because it's not that good. But unless you have a car, it's kind of hard to bring a cooler with drinks and food.  So, if you to take public transport you can just bring something small.

    Even though So. Cali beaches are better (Sorry, I have to represent!) I like Jones Beach and even though it can be a production to get there - I like it and it's a little escape from Manhattan and it's cool to go to the beach sometimes!

    Ah, I miss you already summer.

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    This beach makes me feel like, YES, I CAN live in NYC.  For awhile I wondered why the hell I ever left L.A.

    Important notes:

    If you have an unlimited metrocard, do not pay the $16.50 round trip fare.  You can use your card on the bus that takes you from the train to the beach.  Buy a train ticket from Penn Station to Freeport.  That'll save you $5 a head.  

    The beach is FREE!  Long Beach costs $10 a person and is ugly in comparison.  Yes, it has a Five Guys burger joint right there, but Jones Beach still kicks Long Beach's sandy ass.

    There's a Friendly's (ice cream, ya'll) at the West Bathhouse (first drop-off of the N88 bus there).  Also, there's shuffleboard, mini-golf, playgorunds, outdoor pools and concerts.

    I don't really want the beach to be more crowded, but it's a 2 mile beach.  I guess I can share.  Have a awesome summer!!!

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    A friend of mine had a family BBQ party here today and I was invited.

    What I love about this beach?
    It's close! It was about an hour driving to the beach.(if no traffic, it would've been just 30 minutes.!!!)
    Sand is very soft, so it makes me walk barefoot! (oh yes I did!)
    The cold waves hitting my feet, and sometimes wet my shorts.
    The beach also has a BBQ area so you can bring your family and friends and have nice BBQ party!

    What I don't like?
    There are several fields, but not enough road signs for them! (We drove back and forth to find field 5!!)
    BBQ area and beach area are separated. (Security people check your back when you get into the beach. you cannot bring your food and stuff.)
    Not enough shower facilities. You gotta stay on a long line to get in.

    I am going to say again, I LOVE THIS PLACE!
    If I can, I will try having sandwiches, cheese and a bottle of wine on the beach, getting tanned! :)

    Entrance fee + parking: $8. and you get a ticket. you keep it for parking.

    + WARNING: If you are an iPhone user, you cannot use your phone on this beach. You may get the bars, but it doesn't mean you can make phone calls. My calls were all dropped. Most of T-Mobile users also couldn't make phone calls but some did. Be careful!

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    I am one of the Sketchy Obnoxious characters referred to in the reviews.. Just kidding.. well maybe not. Jones Beach is drop dead gorgeous in the early morning during the week before or when there are NO CROWDS. You can see open vistas of ocean and NO homes, commercial cr** etc. Robert Moses did his part.. keeping out the clusters of dressed up beach shacks.. it's our beach.. lets enjoy it.

    To avoid the city feel on weekends... TIP - Do not go to the fields the busses drop off at.. if you are getting off a bus.. WALK... down a few fields.. preferably east... go east when it comes to beaches on Long Island.. they get emptier and more private.. although public.

    NOTHING is as wonderful as these eleven miles of undeveloped beaches with gorgeous Ocean Parkway.. for miles... The trick is to find your niche in these places.

    This summer I attended some Jones Beach music concerts.. but when they are sold out.. you can go to the park and people have their chairs outside on a nice summer night...  You can do this to.. its fun.

    Also.... when the crowds are blistering for the Fourth of July fireworks show. at Jones Beach.. you can go down toward the TOBAY beach and sit up on the restaurant deck and watch from a birds eye views.... Ocean on your south side.. fireworks to the north. Others know about this but not too many maybe 30 - 35 people showed with their chairs.. there are only a few tables. Jones Beach leases this restaurant out to varying restaurants over the years.. so you can always stay on the deck.. but this is TOBAY.  Jones Beach has parking on both sides the north and south. To park without walking under the bridge to the beach.. which is best.. find a field that has south side parking...  Then you can pull up any day to pull right up to the beach and ocean..

    The boardwalk has a heart walk and is a real treat.. Bring your mother..or someone who should be walking with you.

    At night.. going for a beach swim is difficult..... they shoo you off the beach.. but they have to.. because people go. Hahahahah! Like a 16 year old... I find an open parking lot.. You may have to try 4 or 5 to find an open parking lot in the evening. Then you can walk on the boardwalk.. listen to some gospel or christian music.. they take over the little stage.. by the main concession stand near the Pencil monument.

    Then you can walk down and take a night time swim.. but there are young patrollers driving around with flash lights so swim and go. Don't try to hang out on the sand.. you'll be run off.

    This advice is not for kids or those who are at risk swimming.. do not do this alone either. I go with a friend and go for an evening swim at least a few times.. and it's great fun. But you have to find the right parking lot and do not get comfortable!

    Its great fun... Jones Beach is a place you have to learn your way around.. have patience.. and go with a like minded friend. Not everyone enjoys the beach at night.. or perhaps being shoo'd or has the patience to find the right field for a pristine section of the beach.. It can be done!

    A special sight is the early morning - seeing the seagulls all at rest across the beach sleeping half awake.. this is where they live.... we are the visitors!

    An alternative to this is going out to the very east end where you enjoy the beaches at night or wake up near them early morning.

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    WOW, what happened to this place?!  I used to frequent Jones with my family way back when in the 90's, and the crowd was not nearly as wild then as it is now.  The last time I was there, a group of guys were playing football by the shore, very carelessly to those around them.  One of them trampled a 5 year old girl (gave her a fat bloody lip) while trying to catch a pass, and did not even apologize for it!  I am surprised her father didn't deck him square in the mouth.  I certainly would have, and I am a woman.  

    Let me sum it up for you this way, the people that go to Jones Beach (on the weekends anyway, cannot attest to mid-week) are loud, obnoxious, and have absolutely no beach etiquette.  I understand that many of them probably sat on a hot & sweaty bus, or train from the city, but have some respect for the families around you.  Seriously, do not go here with little kids on the weekend, go to Long Beach or Lido instead.

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    This beach is too crowded so I go to a private beach nearby.
    Good summer concerts and fireworks on July 4th.  
    Cleaner than Coney Island or Rockaway.

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    Although this beach is frequently crowded with sketchy and obnoxious characters, it's one of the most beautiful beaches I've been to.  Go early (I never get there past 9), park (if you're driving) in Lot 6, and you will get to enjoy some peace and quiet before the crowds arrive.  Yes, the food court sucks, there are lots of annoying people having loud conversations ("I can drink 16 Coronas without feeling drunk!" Wow, really!?! Thanks for telling me and THE ENTIRE BEACH!), but I can overlook this in exchange for sun, white sand, and a dip in the ocean.  

    For people who live in NYC, MTA runs a special that you can find at this link <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mta.nyc.ny.us%2Flibus%2Fjones_beach%2Fjbcs.htm&s=fdbd1f5925d0d2f7f5a478eee8ef3ee68fef2bc5467364692fe9e2cd5817cf58" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.mta.nyc.ny.us…</a> so you too can enjoy Jones Beach.

    Update: If late summer weather cooperates, go after Labor Day to avoid the crowds!

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