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    I love a good dive.  I don't mean love a good dive like "Yay, a good dive."  I mean love a good dive like "I get excited, want to skip down the street to get there, feel giddy, slightly aroused, and cannot contain my joy as I order a well drink for $3.50 as people smoke in the bar around me and drunk couples play free pool against each other."  Seriously, it fills me with jubilation, and I want to be able to do a leprechaun kick in mid-air.  Sadly, I am white and drink too much, so I cannot do this kick, but in my mind, I do.  

    The jury room fills all of this.  It is laid back, it is SUPER cheap, the pool is free, the music is good, and the ambiance is that a truck stop diner, but in bar form.  It is heavenly.  Plus, any bar where drinks are comped for destroying this poor, illiterate sap who decided to argue with me that Twilight is not misogynist, terribly written, and expresses little to no understanding of the human condition is A-OK with me.  That poor girl, she was fine until she decided to argue that I obviously don't like Twilight because "I have bad taste in literature."  First, I am impressed she knows the word literature, as it is far above the vocab of a Twilight fan, and second, that was a mistake.  Word to the wise, when arguing about bad books, the line "You obviously have poor judgment so I feel I should invite you home with me" does NOT work.  Oops.,

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    So my Lady's kid wanted to romp the Boardwalk with her friend so we came here. It was all good. It was like $12 for a neat double shot of gin, a beer and a diet coke for my lady who is expecting our 11th son. It wasn't too crowded, and apparently, although I'm not a smoker, I appreciate the fact that they allow smoking., kind of a throwback ya know.. check it. Good Time.

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    One of the best dive bars in SC, imo. People are friendly and I have seen good live music there.

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