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    Stopped into try this place on of all days Easter Sunday. Not too many places were open and we were in the area.

    The menu was suprising....tortas ok, but Russian, Hawaiian, and Cuban style??!! (there were more I just cannot remember the others)

    We stuck to normal fare because you cannot go wrong with tacos, enchiladas, a burrito and a carne asada torta.

    The food was great!  The salsa was really good. I had 3 tacos and I could have made it into 5 with all the meat that they gave. The red enchiladas that my stepson ordered were different than other places, but they were very good. The sauce almost had a sweet taste to it. My husband ordered a burrito, which surprisingly came with refried black beans and not pinto. My husband was VERY happy about this. He is Costa Rican and black beans are a staple.

    Very good service...we are going back to try some of the other menu items next time!

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