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    Fun place.  Love listening to others sing and dang some sing good.  Food is OK.  Drink choices are good.  Will come back for great Karoke on Wednesdays with a live band.  Lots of fun.

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    Anyone want to witness a grown man act like a teenage girl with an attitude problem?  Head on over to Lemon Bar! Let's take it back about a week or so. I am from Hawaii, and if there are any events going on with artists from Hawaii, I'm so there. I found out that my favorite artist Anuhea who I'd never had the privilege of seeing live was going to be at Lemon Bar. I've never been to this place before, but I was stoked. I figured it'd be a great way to check it out since it's very close to me.  So... my daughter is a fan of Anuhea also and I wanted to bring her.  I called the venue with no answer.  I tweeted them on twitter with no response.  So..I went on down there.  The woman I spoke with was named China and she told me the event was $5 a person at the door, and 21 and up only.  Okay, sweet. I got some information.  But too bad my daughter couldn't come.  So anyway, days later (day of the show) I get a tweet from someone at the Lemon Bar stating it is all ages and an excuse for the untimely response.  Okay.  I had already made plans for my daughter so she didn't want to come anymore.  My husband and I get down to the place on the night of the show and some guy at the door tells us it'll be $10 each.  I ask about this because China had told me in the previous days that it was $5 each.  He suddenly shrugs his shoulders, get's all huffy and points behind me and says "the lady over there sets the price..." I turn to see Anuhea eating her dinner at a back table.  I said, okay no big deal.  Then he proceeds to tell me that China is there and he can summon her if I'd like.  I had already said it was not a big deal, so now I'm irritated that he's irritated for no real reason.  I said, "Look, I said it was a not a big deal".  I gave him the $10 each.  While clearly still annoyed, he grabs some menus and asks us if we were going to eat.  We declined because we were already not getting a good feeling, and if that's how employees act there, can I expect anything better from the wait staff?  He shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes in his huffy way and said nothing more. Is it unacceptable that we are only there for a concert? I didn't know dinner was requirement. It is okay that people make mistakes, China clearly made a mistake because perhaps she was uninformed.  No big deal.  Just let me know that she was mistaken and apologize on her behalf.  Don't turn it into a bigger deal that it was.  This was a reggae concert, those are always all about good vibes, love, kindness, etc.... if you don't know how to do those things, please do not host a reggae event there ever again.  

    To sum it up, the show was AWESOME! But Anuhea--- If the opportunity presents itself to go back to Lemon Bar... please take a moment and rethink that decision!

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    The other Lemon Bar location I've been to is a nice place. This one has a way to go as far as the total package. The food was okay. A few things are better than average, but overall the selections and quality are about the same as other multi-purpose sports bar/restaurant/hang outs - nothing special but nothing terrible. I have to include the alcohol assessment for my fan base, so I must say the lemon martini is outstanding, and the bar drinks generally are excellent. Frankly, the bar is the best thing about this place. I agree with other reviewers that the wait staff doesn't seem motivated to provide good service..or even be present in some cases. I also observed as did another reviewer that the overall attendance seems to lean toward a rough crowd. And I don't get the ping pong table..is that for the kids? They have an open mic night on Wed that is not very inspiring. A couple of regulars are pretty good, the house band is so-so, and at best the place is 25% full. They could improve the stage and the sound system with better monitors for those who might want to give it a go singing or playing, but it would be even better if they would just abandon the open mic concept on Wed and have other bands play.

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