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    Fun place.  Love listening to others sing and dang some sing good.  Food is OK.  Drink choices are good.  Will come back for great Karoke on Wednesdays with a live band.  Lots of fun.

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    Anyone want to witness a grown man act like a teenage girl with an attitude problem?  Head on over to Lemon Bar! Let's take it back about a week or so. I am from Hawaii, and if there are any events going on with artists from Hawaii, I'm so there. I found out that my favorite artist Anuhea who I'd never had the privilege of seeing live was going to be at Lemon Bar. I've never been to this place before, but I was stoked. I figured it'd be a great way to check it out since it's very close to me.  So... my daughter is a fan of Anuhea also and I wanted to bring her.  I called the venue with no answer.  I tweeted them on twitter with no response.  So..I went on down there.  The woman I spoke with was named China and she told me the event was $5 a person at the door, and 21 and up only.  Okay, sweet. I got some information.  But too bad my daughter couldn't come.  So anyway, days later (day of the show) I get a tweet from someone at the Lemon Bar stating it is all ages and an excuse for the untimely response.  Okay.  I had already made plans for my daughter so she didn't want to come anymore.  My husband and I get down to the place on the night of the show and some guy at the door tells us it'll be $10 each.  I ask about this because China had told me in the previous days that it was $5 each.  He suddenly shrugs his shoulders, get's all huffy and points behind me and says "the lady over there sets the price..." I turn to see Anuhea eating her dinner at a back table.  I said, okay no big deal.  Then he proceeds to tell me that China is there and he can summon her if I'd like.  I had already said it was not a big deal, so now I'm irritated that he's irritated for no real reason.  I said, "Look, I said it was a not a big deal".  I gave him the $10 each.  While clearly still annoyed, he grabs some menus and asks us if we were going to eat.  We declined because we were already not getting a good feeling, and if that's how employees act there, can I expect anything better from the wait staff?  He shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes in his huffy way and said nothing more. Is it unacceptable that we are only there for a concert? I didn't know dinner was requirement. It is okay that people make mistakes, China clearly made a mistake because perhaps she was uninformed.  No big deal.  Just let me know that she was mistaken and apologize on her behalf.  Don't turn it into a bigger deal that it was.  This was a reggae concert, those are always all about good vibes, love, kindness, etc.... if you don't know how to do those things, please do not host a reggae event there ever again.  

    To sum it up, the show was AWESOME! But Anuhea--- If the opportunity presents itself to go back to Lemon Bar... please take a moment and rethink that decision!

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    The other Lemon Bar location I've been to is a nice place. This one has a way to go as far as the total package. The food was okay. A few things are better than average, but overall the selections and quality are about the same as other multi-purpose sports bar/restaurant/hang outs - nothing special but nothing terrible. I have to include the alcohol assessment for my fan base, so I must say the lemon martini is outstanding, and the bar drinks generally are excellent. Frankly, the bar is the best thing about this place. I agree with other reviewers that the wait staff doesn't seem motivated to provide good service..or even be present in some cases. I also observed as did another reviewer that the overall attendance seems to lean toward a rough crowd. And I don't get the ping pong table..is that for the kids? They have an open mic night on Wed that is not very inspiring. A couple of regulars are pretty good, the house band is so-so, and at best the place is 25% full. They could improve the stage and the sound system with better monitors for those who might want to give it a go singing or playing, but it would be even better if they would just abandon the open mic concept on Wed and have other bands play.

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    I had high hopes for this place after hearing about it from a friend, and I wanted to check out the live music potential, so I decided to go there on a Wednesday night when they had an open mike karaoke with the house band, which was actually only a trio (guitar, bass & drums).  To participate, you fill out a card after browsing their large catalog of songs and then wait your turn. But if you want to sing a song that's not in their book, "fuhgeddaboudit"  - ain't gonna happen. Most of the people singing couldn't even carry a tune. Sorry, I'm not impressed with the music scene there.

    On the other hand, food-wise, I'd have to say it's pretty good there.  The menu was impressive.  The kitchen seemed a bit overloaded even though there weren't that many people in the place, and it took a while to get my order.  But the guy serving the food seemed eager to please, and wanted to make sure I was happy with the order, which I was.  The bartenders were friendly.

    Parking is sparse, and I ended up parking on a dirt lot adjacent.  Overall, it seems the place is evolving.  Might try them again next year if I happen to be in the area.

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    Food is excellent and fresh! Service is friendly, definately our new favorite!

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    Our first choice of restaurant was packed on a Friday evening so my husband decided to give Lemon Bar a try.  For some reason, I was expecting more of a club atmosphere so expectations were set pretty low.  We chose to eat at the bar.  The stools were a bit too low and somewhat uncomfortable.  I had the lemon martini, which was very good, but at a price of $9, more than one will quickly add up the tab. Selections of beer was a bit meh.

    My husband had the grilled cheese sandwich with tomato basil soup.  He liked it.  I think it had three different cheeses in it.  I had the fish tacos with the side of sweet potato fries.  It was very tasty with a generous portion of filling in the three tacos.  

    A band was scheduled to begin playing at 9, but we did not stay that late. Lots of TVs to view whether you are at the bar or at a table.  Weird that we had to specially request that the Mavericks game be put on at least one of the TV's, but our request was received in a positive manner. It appears to be a great place to meet up for after work drinks.  A plus is that they are open fairly late for Frisco standards.

    The one negative was the service, in that it was just okay.  Our bartender was obviously new but the friendliest of the bunch working that night.  We were sitting near the area where the waiters (all male) would hang out and they used a lot of foul language.  I believe I also heard them at times negatively speaking about their customers or how much they would rather not be at work.

    We will give the Lemon Bar another try and hope they can improve upon the waitstaff they hire.

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    I feel like the staff is too put out to do their job. Bar tenders and hostess were unfriendly. Had to ask everytime I wanted something even though I'm sitting right in front of them. It wasn't very busy at all so that wasn't the issue. They just ignored me until I flagged them down - from 3 feet away. I think the main thing they're forgetting, is that you have to have customers to stay open.

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    My friends and I went out for sushi, then planned on going bowling.  The bowling alleys had long waits.  I had been to the lemon bar once already this week and had fun playing ping pong, foosball.  So, I suggested to my friends that we go to the Lemon Bar and play ping pong.  My friends had drinks and I drank soda.  We all had a great time here and they had a band.  It was a big hit with my friends and we all plan to go back and try the food.  I met the owner or the manager and he was very nice.    Can't wait to go back.

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    Really sad

    Need a good bar or grill in this area. This is not it. Crowd is rough, atmosphere is bad. Shift manager was weak unaware

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    Very loud place with expensive drinks.  Plus being in Frisco they close early.

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    I'm usually not in the area, but thought I'd try it out. The staff is friendly, service is great. Awesome fried pickles and pretty good burger here. The food is on the pricier side for a bar, but it's good.

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    What a monumental let down this place was.  I really wanted to like this place being close to home and having been to the Dallas location I thought it had potential.  Then reality hit and I realized how bad everything was.  First off, they have items on their menu that they don't actually prepare which is kinda ridiculous but that aside I ended up getting the steak and my girlfriend got the shrimp scampi pasta.  I ordered my steak rare and it game out well done and it was the size of a hockey puck.  Dropped on top of a pile of french fries and they charged me $20 for that.   My girlfriend's pasta was actually just gross.  Don't really know how else to describe it.  Like I said, a monumental let down.

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    I want to like the Lemon Bar but something is always off.  This time the place is again pretty empty around 1pm on a Sunday; Cowboys were on the TVs hanging around the very lonely bar.  There were a lot of table available but they sat us at two tables pushed together only discover there is food and sticky stuff from the night before on it.  After it was washed we sat down but I have to wonder why they didn't do a good cleaning before opening.

    The food was good, the service only okay.  My daughter's hash browns and eggs Benedict were cold.  I took a bite of her potatoes and the onions were refrigerator cold.  I had the fish tacos this time and they were still very good but the salad was a couple of days from fresh and the greens were limp.

    I just don't think the Lemon Bar is going to be open for much longer so if you want to give it a try before they close you better hurry.

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    Hailing from Chicago, I'm a foreigner for the next week in this strange land they call Texas. Vast open spaces, clean streets with plenty of room to park, open sidewalks, fresh air, people that smile and greet you as you pass by, and not a crack head or a panhandler in sight. I found myself thirsting for the taste of alcohol around 3 P.M. due to my out-of-place state of delirium and all of the Christmas buzz taking place around me, so I Yelped my way to the nearest bar in hopes of seeking reprieve from my anxieties. My destination . . . Lemon Bar.

    I was surprised to see the bar almost completely empty when I entered, but I was rather impressed with the overall layout of building. An open environment with a few couches, an intriguing bookshelf (I have a fondness for books and all things book related), plenty of seating options, a stage for music, and some pool tables gave me the sense that this place could possibly be jumping at the right hours.    

    My initial fear was that they didn't serve any sort of "real" beer because I thought Texan's wrastle steers and only drink Bud Light, but I was wrong. They had a small, but decent beer selection, and some tasty appetizers to chase it down with.

    I ordered an IPA and some nachos, and planted myself on the couch. The service was quick and the beer worked great, but I was a little disappointed with portion size of my plate of nacho's, which is probably because I come from the land of fat. However, they were pretty delicious and gave me the strength to continue drinking.

    Multiple drinks later, I asked where the restroom was located. The waitress smiled and pointed to a sign that read "Water Closet". I couldn't help but shake my head. Only in Texas.

    I say 3 stars, but give it a chance though because I was there at off hours. It's got potential.

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    So let's say you're in Frisco...  What once was country livin' is now kinda a happen' place.   But a night life?    

    Nay, we should go downtown......  
    --  To far you say?    Ok

    Then let's go to the Shops at Legacy...
    --  Not in the mood for that either ....  

    Well, what about just hanging out here locally...
    --  What you mean like cow tipping, and mudding, or mail box smashing?  

    No, Frisco actually has some cool places in it's own "downtown".  

    Lemon Bar is one of the place.  It was packed, the servers where hip (ours was at least), and the food was above average bar food.    

    So if you're tired of the same ol' same ol' places..... why not try it out if youre in the area.

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    Went here opening night and was impressed!  There was a slight mixup when we arrived but the manager got us a table and we enjoyed 3 courses on the house! Food was bar-esque but good. Service was fine.

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    They offer blue moon on draft and the hummus is the bomb.  Pretty sure they chopped up some chickpeas, added spices and lemon..wa-la...soo good!  I went on a Tuesday night to have a some drinks and enjoy an app or two.  The place was dead, but we still had a great time.   The staff was pretty fun that night and allowed us to make music requests and then we all sang along to some oldies like sweet caroline and waterfalls by TLC.  

    I hear they have a band on the weekend and I look forward to going back to try out the real atmosphere of this place.   But true story, get the hummus!

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    So I have never been to the Lemon Bar in downtown Dallas. When they opened the one in Frisco, and I worked next to it, I figured it would be worth checking out.

    I'll start by saying they do a terrible job of marketing and advertising. Most people didn't even know they were open. My office found out and we decided to go check it out.

    I'll admit the staff was lame when they opened. A lot were from the Dallas location. Since then, they have hired new people and the service has gotten a bit better. I know a few of them and they're nice people.
    I will say to beware if you have a large group. It's not the fastest service for food when you have something-teen people at once.

    The food is pretty damn good. There's a comment about overly salty flavor. Yeah, I'm not 100% what you ordered but I haven't had that issue. I also don't add salt to anything, cholesterol and such, but everything I've had has been good or deliciously great.
    The burgers are okay, they're burgers. The wings taste like wings. The Salads are very good, and the dressings are fantastic. The quesadilla are a little greasy, and I'm not sure why you would need grease to make them. The fish tacos are pretty good. The "hog wings" are great. The nachos are good; I think the use of tostadas as the chips is a great solution to the soggy nacho issue. I also think that price is ridiculously high for the nacho plate.
    Overall, the food is pretty good, and not salty as someone else stated...that is from California.  

    They have the basics, and a full bar. No fancy wines but there are some to drink.
    The drafts are fairly priced, a good beer isn't $3-$4. They have a lil something for the beer snob, such as myself.
    I don't know WHY the price of liquor differs from establishment to establishment, but it's pretty average here.
    My only MAJOR qualm is they charge $1 to have my drink on the rocks (with ice.) WHO THE HELL CHARGES FOR FREAKIN' ICE?! This place and Whiskey Cake do.
    Pretentiousness? Perhaps.

    The layout is totally jacked up. The kitchen entrance is on the other side of the bar and NO WHERE near the dinning area. So when it gets busy and they are running food there's a traffic flow through the bar area. Whoever built the interior should be fired.
    The décor is still confusing to me. The dinning area has a Buddhist theme going. It confused me as I'm Buddhist and wasn't sure what I was walking into. There are also rock posters and graffiti paintings.
    It's like the kid in high school that is still finding its self.

    Overall I think this place is pretty good. I'm in my 30s and I like that I can go to a place that has people my age hanging out. I also like that I can get a decent drink with good food. I also like that I don't feel like I'm in a pretentious Uptown bar either.

    Check it out and form your own opinion. In my opinion, it's pretty damn good.

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    Today marked the second time I've visited The Lemon Bar in Frisco.  The first time was for a girl's happy hour with appetizers several weeks ago.  The drinks were great, as was the appetizers.  Normally Happy Hour 1/2 price apps are smaller, but these were a great size for us!

    Today me and my beau along with another couple went for their Saturday brunch with their Bottomless Mimosas.  Yep....$8.99 for all you can drink mimosas.  They keep them coming too!  I ordered the breakfast version of BLT.  AWESOMENESS.  It was served with a side of cubed hashbrowns, which were seasoned perfectly.  My beau and my friend's hubby both ordered the steak and eggs.  Their steak was cooked perfect, and portions were HUGE.  They both really enjoyed it so much that they literally cleaned their plates.  My friend ordered the migas, and she enjoyed them as well.

    Both times service has been great!  We even talked about making their brunch a regular meeting place!  Can't wait to go back.

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    Meh! In a land that has so much competition for your dining/drinking/gaming/entertainment dollars I really can't see this place staying around for more than another few months.  Food was over salted (always a sign of a lazy chef or poor ingredients), wait staff was inattentive (she seemed busy chatting with coworkers instead of actually serving her station) and the layout of this place just doesn't make a "scene" that has a good vibe.  Band was setting up and testing their equipment for so long I started to think that was actually their act (from 7-almost 8:30). Upon our departure the manager (or someone of similar status) nearly chased us to the parking lot asking in a far too in your face sort of way if everything was ok. And we made no fuss at all, so it really came off as a desperate "why are you breaking up with me" sort of begging.  

    I read the reviews here before going in.  I have to say I felt like the responses from management here might have been a good sign.  But while it's clear the staff were told to shape up, it's causing their demeanor to be something more like when someone is told to be nice or apologize for something they don't fully understand.  In the end you either have it and it comes out naturally--or you don't and it comes off forced and unnatural.  Lemon Bar, unfortunately, comes,off as the latter.

    I had hopes for this place, but some major management and staff changes are going to have to happen if they expect to make it past next summer.

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    Woo-hoo! Another reliably fun hang out place to go to in the 'burbs that I can add into my list.  :-)

    The atmosphere however feels quite different from the location in Uptown, but it still has that same upbeat environment.

    I may have to come back at another time to give a more detailed say.  So stay tuned folks, if you are interested to hear more.  :-)

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    I live 3 miles from this place and have been several times.  Every beer I've been served has been warm, but the service is good and food absolutely incredible.  The bands, however, are just laughably bad.

    Evidently, much of the staff was imported from a Lemon Bar that closed down in Dallas.  They don't really want to be there, and evidently are biding their time until a new Dallas location that is supposedly being built opens and they can move on.  I know that because that's what they keep telling me.  Don't get me wrong, they give excellent service, but It would be nice to have a drink or two and chat with a bartender that bashes Frisco a little bit less.  I mean, you know, I do live here.

    I'll go back.  I'm hoping this is all just growing pains, because it would be great to have a live music venue so close to home.  For now, I can handle the horribly bad bands, but for the love of god if they won't fix their refrigerator, I hope they'll at least learn how to ice beer.

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    Imagine a place where you are not a restaurant check, but a friend.  Imagine being greeted  with a handshake and name introduction upon entering the door.  Imagine the General Manager introducing himself and asking what your name is.  Imagine walking in after the kitchen is closed (not knowing because I don't make a habit of that) and the manager stating well we did close up for the night but your here and we want to take care of you let me send out a server.

    I was convinced customer service like this kinda faded "imagine that" after my evening here I was wrong.  I was totally impressed with the above the normal service.  Best place to relax over live music, food, drinks, and friends.

    Straddling that line between after work pub and thoughtfully accessible intimate lounge isn't easy, but the Lemon bar does it so nimbly.  The pleasingly atmosphere makes it simple to kick back and relax and have a good time,  Bar staff is on it, ping pong and pool table in the back, pleasantly looking and behaving crowd this bar is "da shizzle"

    Hello Frisco I will def be back,  I must forewarn you I get ridiculous crazy fun so be ready

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    My wife and I have been here several times since my opening night review and I think it's worth updating.  

    We've had several items off the menu and they're all outstanding.  The spinach and artichoke dip is amazing.  

    The bands that we've heard here have all been good, so that always a big draw for us.

    The thing that sets the Lemon Bar apart is the management and the service.  We've never had bad service and somebody from the management staff has come up to us each time we've been here and talked to us about our experience.  In fact, the last time we were there, the GM stood next to my wife at the bar to see how long it took for her to be served and then said our first round was on him.  Nice!!!  

    We are definitely happy to have such a great business in our neighborhood.

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    This place is AWESOME! Myself and 4 other girls from my family went for ladies night on Thursday. They offer a free 3 course meal, which on that night was a choice between salmon on rice or chicken with asparagus. Both were well prepared and equally delicious. The desserts were a signature lemon bar with fresh berries (too die for!) or a brownie sundae. Everyone loved it here. Our server was attentive and friendly. The decor is very elegant. The manager was there and seemed to care whether or not we had a good experience. We definitely will be back to try the awesome looking brunch. The only thing is, their drinks are pricey. The margaritas were $10 and not very strong. For having a free dinner, we still spent $120 on drinks, and three of us had iced tea. But still, how can you complain, and awesome dinner for 5 with drinks for $120.

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