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    My first time there was tonight the two bartenders were both very attentive I never went a more than a few moments without being served.  They had two great indoor DJs and one outside DJ who was also fairly good.  I was impressed with the sound system and lights which were surprisingly great, you could imagine my reaction when I heard there was a DJ bar/lounge in this area.

    I'll definitely go back, the drinks were really cheap and strong, I played a fair amount of darts, and absolutely enjoyed myself.  It'll be very interesting to see how this bar develops.

    Don't listen to Lux or Kinz it sounds as if they came in some random afternoon or something.

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    So... to start off, I went on a Thursday night. I live somewhat close and heard the drinks were good. For the price? In this neighborhood? Not bad. $2 wells. ok.

    There was a game of poker going on [free], so I joined in. Nice crowd of people who all seemed pretty decent and were all fairly nice. There were two bartenders. Both ok looking. One of them left with a guy for about 20 minutes and when her and the guy came back they seemed a little... messy. Guess you gotta do what you gotta do to make a living!

    The owner? Old drunk guy. He was yelling and degrading his bar and kitchen staff. He was either inebriated or just an idiot. I went with inebriated because there's still a little dignity left in that. Oh, and apparently the bar is named after his daughter, Lena. Although the bar sits on the corner of Lina and Rosemeade (off of 190 (hence the name)). So the name is confusing.

    Can't think of much else. The food sucked, because it's bar food. It's a crappy excuse for a rundown club/bar and I guess most of their business happens on Friday/Saturday nights. Maybe I'll come back and see what's hoppin then. But for now? Poker is fun, quickies in the parking lot, and an owner who probably hasn't heard of the word hospitality.

    Nothing else to do and you're homeless and broke? Stop in.

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    I can't find enough problems with this place. Where to begin...

    1. No identity. What the hell kind of name is Lena's 190? I get it's off 190 but the name has nothing that people can associate with. You might as well call it Grandma Snatch or some other vague title.
    2. IT'S BORING! Most any time you walk in its dull and lifeless. To your left, an empty dance floor. In front of you, a scarce bar. oftentimes with the owner Nick sitting at the far end with a glum look on his face and far from inviting. There are no pool tables, no jukebox, nothing to occupy your time other than some 8 liners in one of the corners. THey have some nice flat screen TV's that can only be seen if you're sitting at the bar and even then you have to strain your neck to view them adequately. There are two stripper poles in both corners of the dance floor area which begs the question: Are you running a bar or a strip club? A strip club will work in this location about as well as offering free enemas to their patrons.
    3. Poor service. The bartenders are terrible! It took the bartender 3 attempts to make a 7 and 7 with a lime. Seriously?  Inversely, the owner is mixing drinks (all wells I might add which are coming back with complaints that there's no liquor as fast as he's pouring them. The only drinks they know how to make somewhat sufficiently are mixed wells.
    4. Food. If you like pizza every day of the week, then you're set. Otherwise.... If you're looking for a hip place to hang with friends, look elsewhere...
    5. Events. They're a joke. Karaoke a couple of nights out of the week that hardly anyone shows up for. Other events they've tried include women's oil wrestling, a great idea if your goal is keeping women away permenantly. Other events include poker which admittedly isn't bad but hardly draws the ideal type of clientele. They have a DJ who plays music the majority of the time to an empty dance floor. The events are supposed to draw people in and keep them entertained but don't due to the numerous other glaring problems.
    6. Crappy promotion. If you'd like to know what I mean, just look go on FB and look for Lenas 190 and their wall posts. If you're a friend, it's a daily barrage of poorly designed flyers and wall posts riddled with bad spelling and grammar. Not critical but it emphasizes the bigger problem, an obvious lack of attention to detail.

    This location has been numerous other bars in the past which have all failed most likely because of the location and dull interior. I fully expect Lena's 190 to become the latest casualty.

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