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    We've been patrons of Sterlings for about three years. In that time, I think they have changed owners about 12 times. Totally kidding, but it has changed ownership a few times. In that time we've seen things come and go. One thing that has managed to stay the same is the great bar staff.

    Now, the key to this place is that it's a neighborhood bar. It's not a douchey trendy nightspot. It's just a bar. They do tout themselves as a bar AND grill, but really...it's just a bar. I think all we've had the courage to order are the french fries. But again...just a bar.

    They have great drink specials and they have a bunch of TVs to watch your favorite sporting events. Some nights, they even have karaoke, but you would need to check me on that...since, you know, the owners change and all.

    So if you just want to sit and drink, this is the place.

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    We were looking for an after work happy hour place close to the office, so the first place we hit up was Sterlings.  It was right down the street from the office, so that was a no brainer, and it seemed to have decent reviews.  After about 30 minutes in Sterlings, we all had the same opinion, and that was to leave.

    I've been a lot of dive bars, and hell... a younger version of myself has even gotten into a few bar fights in a couple dive bars, but Sterlings was absolutely the worst.  Nothing says quality like seeing a drunk woman get into a verbal argument with a drunk guy at 5:30 PM.  And when you enter, the place just looks run down.  Some places have a quality to them where you know they have been around for a long time and have a bit of character.  Sterlings has about as much character as a violent mugging.

    Yeah, they have pool tables, and yeah they have some good drink prices.  And they even have poker nights, which is always nice.  But otherwise, it just fell short.  The decor was non-existent, as if someone bought the place and just filled it with a couple pool tables and bottles of liquor.

    Service was alright, but we were told that since we opened a tab at the bar, we could only order new drinks from the bartender.  We were sitting 5 feet from the bar, yet somehow instead of a waitress serving us new drinks, we had to go to the bar proper.  It wasn't even crowded, so we could make easy eye contact with the bartender to verify who we were.  Definite negatives.

    There isn't much more to say about Sterlings.  We had a few drinks, and then walked down the plaza to Gator's Bar and Grill.  In the end, we won't be back for another happy hour there again.

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    My head. Ow. My head. My body. Hurt. Blech. There's only thing to blame right now: Thirsty Thursdays $2 U-C-Its at Sterling's.
    Yup, you heard me. $2 for anything you see at the bar. That includes the crappy stuff in the plastic bottle and that Jack Daniels and that really good ale on tap. Trust me, I know. I can still taste it.
    My night started with a shot with the bartenders and proceeded to a $20 bar tab. Now, I know that's not a lot of cash but it's a ton of drinks. The bar isn't much to look at. In fact, it's the diviest dive I've ever been in. It's also a little rough. While we were there, a girl trashed a car with beer bottles and a girl fight broke out within two feet of our table. If you can roll with the metaphorical punches, Sterling's might be your thang. They've got really great specials including the infamous $2 night (again!) on Mondays for all the alcoholics out there. While we were there, they had a DJ a.k.a. a guy sitting at a  sound board playing music videos on a huge ass screen. It was loud, crowded, and dirty. But no dress code or bottle service, I'm down with that. I hear pool is $5 a table and rumor is there's karaoke They also have air hockey and more pool tables in a back room. It's a big place so you'll be fine tucking in a corner somewhere. The ladies' room was a bit scary- hygiene wise and clientele-wise. I seriously thought I was going to get punched for not being in heels. But for the amazing drink specials and surprisingly good food, I might be back again. The bartenders were very cool and they have a neat little tradition of knocking on a steel post  VERY loudly whenever someone doesn't tip. Calling out all the cheapos- awesome! It's got character but that character's a little shady. Take it or leave it but whatever you do, drink lots of water and take some Advil.

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