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    We used to love this place!  We ordered every week for months!  I don't know what the problem is, but they've gone waaay down hill.  We ordered recently, I had to repeat my order and all of my information 3 times.  We were told 40 ish minutes.  Since when does Chinese take that long?  But ok.  Then after an hour I called to complain.  They called their driver who calls me.  He claims he was at our house and no one answered.  I told him he was wrong and he got snippy with me!  After 90 minutes our food finally came and by then it was cold and of poor quality.  Stay far away...

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    From the previous viewer I was hesitate to try this restaurant, but I was hungry. The food was good (especially the lo mein) but I do have to agree that the food wasn't spicy enough (guess everyone has their own preferences). If you can get spicy food ask them to make it extra spicy. The customer service was great.

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    I'm sure all owners of Chinese restaurants loathe the fact that we Americans tend to judge a restaurant by the quality of the egg roll.  Why?  Because they get them shipped in frozen and so we are judging the company that makes them.  I would normally say that this is a practice that must stop...however, in the case of Li's China Kitchen its true.  
    I found this place while having a late craving and it was extremely close to my house hidden rather well in a little stripmall next to a Subway.  They have a decent dinner special list, which is the same as the lunch special but $1 more and you get a free soda.  
    I ordered the orange beef w/ egg roll and ordered an extra egg roll.  When I got home and bit into the egg roll I knew the rest of the meal would be disappointing.  
    Instead of biting into some crunchy cabbage, pork, carrots and other goodies like I do when I'm at Gong Ho in Darien.  I bit into this gray paste which didn't really have flavor.  It was not pretty.  (Of course I ate both- I'm overweight and I was hungry).  When I tasted the orange beef my disappointment continued.  The menu states it is supposed to be spicy.  This was as spicy as tap water.  Also there was no orange flavor to be found.  The broccoli that was with it was very limp and pathetic looking.  
    My wife tried a bite and after that one bite declared that she would never willingly order from there.  Unfortunately I have to agree with her.  This was Americanized Chinese food at its worst.

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