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    This place has shut down.

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    Luke's sucks. I am pretty verbose and I hope you can take this short review as proof of it's suckiness. I have been to Luke's four times (don't ask why).

    The first time was for a birthday and the only people in the bar were those celebrating the birthday (but it was a NEW bar, so I cut it some slack).

    The second time was because Three Days Grace was going to play. This turned out to be a well-publicized lie, and it was a night of local bands, which were good but they DIDN'T EVEN CLEAR THE TABLES OUT OF THE DINING ROOM, which made it SUPER-awkward for watching a live rock band, there was a wait of at least 20 min. to get in, and after the band played and their friends and family left, the place was empty. Again.

    When Three Days Grace finally DID play (I didn't go, thinking it was another rumor), it was an acoustic show for $50, and the most recent time I went there were about two people there under 60, bringing the head count to 13, and a CRAPPY slow/country-ish live band with acoustics so loud I couldn't hear myself think.

    Not impressed with the drinks or the bartenders, and even though the owner is a former hockey player hotshot or something who is supposedly personal friends with SO MANY celebs, the place SUCKS.

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