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    "i'd like an order of Hash Browns."

    "You mean one hash brown?"


    Exasperated huh.

    "First window."

    I choose the first of two drive-thru lanes. Very fancy. Like at the Rock 'n Roll McDonalds. This old as hot wigs Mickey D's used to be a real dump, but not real a place you'd ever want to take one.
    But after a qucik remodeling that for several weeks including a creepy picture of Ronald looking at you as you drove down Halsted like Big Brother, the place is decidedly less dumpish.  
    It's more inviting if you're driving really early in the morning and you've found enough change for one hash brown.

    First window, no kind interaction. This ain't Burger King, y'all.

    Second window brings this driver a smiling -but not creepy - "Good morning" and most importantly, a hot potato product. Yum.

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